Earn more than 100,000 euros a year: these are the best-paid programming languages


More and more technology-loving users are deciding to enter the programming sector. This is something that we can do for multiple reasons, whether for personal growth, for studies, or to find a job.

It is quite possible that at first it will be difficult for us to enter this interesting world, but we assure you that in the long run you will be grateful. Not only because being an application developer opens many doors for us professionally. It will also help us better understand the programs we use daily, collaborate on open source projects, create our own applications, and much more.

Furthermore, in these times we have the possibility of studying programming at our own pace and even for free. On the Internet we have multiple sources such as courses, forums, help communities, documentation or books, often all without paying a single euro. The only thing we have to keep in mind is that we will have to show a little patience. At first we will make many mistakes and get frustrated on many occasions, but in the end it will be worth it.

Once we have learned the basic structures and functions of programming, we can begin to focus on different languages. So much so that below we are going to talk to you about the best-paid programming languages ​​globally that exist at the moment. It is true that we are not going to find the most common and demanded proposals on the market, hence precisely their exclusivity and, therefore, they have higher salaries.

Programming languages ​​to make a lot of money

These data that we are going to mention below come from a survey carried out on Stack Overflow, where almost 90,000 software developers were consulted.

paid languages

Furthermore, this study has been carried out globally across 185 countries, all to find out which are the best-paid programming languages ​​at the moment. Whether you are new or professional programmers, you may be interested in learning some of these proposals.

Zig. This is the highest paid language at the moment and is a more modern alternative to the popular C and C++. The survey that we mentioned before reveals that salaries here exceed 100,000 euros per year in some companies.

Erlang. Here we find a programming language whose base salary is somewhat below the aforementioned Zig, and which began its journey in the 80s. It is a somewhat specific language focused on use in telecommunications systems.

F#. This other highly remunerated language by many companies is an object-oriented proposal developed by Microsoft. Requires the use of clear and concise source code to be used in data analyzes where the margin of error is unacceptable.

Ruby. Perhaps this is the best-known proposal of those mentioned in these lines, an object-oriented language that is highly demanded by multiple companies and also quite well paid. Without a doubt one of the most accessible options and that will also allow us to have a good salary close to 100,000 euros per year.

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