Elon Musk’s new gift to humanity revealed: it could save your life


Most likely, many of you know him as the owner of the car company Tesla or for having bought Twitter, now X. However, the magnate Elon Musk is involved in many more businesses and sectors that we may not know about.

There is no doubt that we are talking about a person who, wherever he goes, generates all kinds of controversies and comments. A clear example of all this can be seen in all the changes he is making to the social network now called X. He is one of the richest people in the world, perhaps the one with the most money, and that also has a price. And the fact is that on most occasions the tycoon is in the eye of the storm.

Among the many companies owned by Musk, we can highlight Starlink, a firm especially focused on satellite communications. And it is precisely on this company that we want to focus in these lines, since from now on it could even save our lives. We say this because the technology magnate wants the aforementioned Starlink to become a benchmark in the satellite coverage sector.

Basically, the aim is to enable users from all over the world to make use of the company’s services and to find them very useful. It is precisely for this reason that it is launching a large number of satellites with the healthy objective of offering Internet in any part of the globe, no matter how remote the place.

How Elon Musk and his satellites can save your life

As expected, Musk is looking for financial gain. He has to make a profit on the huge investment he is making in this company and its satellites. However, the services that he will offer to users around the world will be extremely useful. Bringing an Internet connection to the most inhospitable places on the planet is a complicated task, but also worthy of praise.

Image twitter user

Elon Musk


@ajtourville @Starlink After thinking it through, SpaceX Starlink will provide emergency services access for mobile phones for people in distress for free.

This applies worldwide, subject to approval by country governments.

Can’t have a situation where someone dies because they forgot or were unable… https://t.co/OKS3xAXeMF

August 27, 2024 • 22:16



Initially, all those who wish to contract satellite Internet services from the company Starlink, as you can imagine, will have to pay the corresponding fee. But surely those who cannot have this connectivity in their usual places will be very grateful.

starlink prices

However, regardless of the subscription models that those interested will have to pay, Musk has decided to give a gift to all of humanity. He will provide free Internet access through his satellites, anywhere in the world, to all those who find themselves in an emergency situation. This means that, whether in your country or in any other region of the globe, if you find yourself in a delicate and emergency situation and you don’t have coverage, you will be able to use Starlink satellites free of charge to call for help.

There is no doubt that this gift from the Tesla magnate will save many lives over the next few years. However, first of all, the governments of each country will have to give their approval for the satellite service to be used in their region.

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