Acute renal failure is a serious condition in which the kidneys can stop working suddenly and that usually occurs as a result of other diseases that reduce blood flow to the kidneys, or by adverse effects of some medications that in some cases result in toxic. A new study has found that this disorder could be combated with drugs approved to treat other health problems.
In particular, researchers at the University of Edinburgh have found that drugs commonly used to treat angina pectoris and high blood pressure were effective in preventing much of the long-term damage caused by acute kidney injury to both the kidneys and the kidneys. , as in the cardiovascular system, as published in Science Translational Medicine.
These scientists hope that their findings will contribute to improving the treatment of this kidney condition, which needs to be addressed quickly to prevent the patient from dying. Also, even if the kidneys recover, they can suffer permanent sequelae and the cardiovascular system can also be affected. 30% of patients who overcome acute renal failure develop chronic kidney disease (CKD), while the remaining 70% recover full kidney function but, despite this, their risk of developing CKD is almost 30 times higher than of the general population.
Drugs to treat hypertension that improve kidney function
The study authors found that patients with acute kidney injury had high blood levels of endothelin – a protein that activates inflammation and causes blood vessels to constrict – and that endothelin levels remained high long after recovery. kidney function. This same increase in endothelin was found in mice with acute kidney injury, and they were given drugs that block the endothelin system, which are often used to treat angina pectoris and high blood pressure, and work by stopping the production of endothelin. production of this protein or by shutting down endothelin receptors on cells.
“This promising research suggests that available drugs could help address the impact of acute kidney injury before it can cause further damage and complications.”
The researchers monitored the mice for four weeks after acute kidney injury and found that those treated with endothelin-blocking drugs had lower blood pressure, less inflammation and scarring in the kidney, and that their blood vessels were clean. more relaxed and kidney function also improved, compared to unmedicated animals.
Dr Bean Dhaun, Senior Clinical Professor and Honorary Consultant Nephrologist at the University of Edinburgh’s Center for Cardiovascular Sciences, said: “Acute kidney failure is a damaging condition, particularly in older people, and even with recovery it can have a long-term impact on a person’s state of health. “Our study shows that blockade of the endothelin system prevents long-term damage from acute kidney injury in mice. As these drugs are already available for use in humans, I hope we can move quickly to see if the same beneficial effects are seen in our patients.”
Professor James Leiper, Associate Medical Director of the British Heart Foundation, said: “Impaired kidney function resulting from acute kidney injury can also increase the chance that a person will develop and die from heart and circulatory disease, for So it’s critical that we find ways to reduce this risk.”
“This promising research suggests that widely available drugs could help address the impact of acute kidney injury before it can cause further damage and complications. While more studies will be needed to show whether this treatment is safe and effective for patients, this initial research is an encouraging first step.”