Google liked Windows 11’s AI Recall and is already working on its own version

Google liked Windows 11’s AI Recall and is already working on its own version

Since its official presentation a few weeks ago, at the event at Microsoft and Qualcomm they presented the new range of Surface laptops with ARM architecture processors, Satya Nadella’s company took the opportunity to present PC Copilot+, the PC with AI in which all manufacturers of processors and software developers are working to implement Artificial Intelligence on a daily basis.

One of the most attractive, as well as controversial, functions is called Recall. Recall is a Windows 11 feature that takes a screenshot periodically and stores it on your computer. Through AI, and always locally, we can ask questions to consult that information without having to access the browser history, open applications or use our memory.

According to Microsoft, the screenshots are stored in an encrypted folder on the computer, so doubts about the privacy of this function initially do not make sense. In addition, the AI ​​that analyzes the content does so locally, without uploading the content to Microsoft servers, so privacy should not be a problem either. And if, even so, you don’t quite trust it, you deactivate it and that’s it.

Laptop with ChromeOS

Memory: Google Recall

Whoever thought it was an excellent idea was Google. According to one of Google’s vice presidents, John Solomon, in an interview he gave to PC World, they are considering the idea of ​​adding a function similar to Recall in Chrome, a function that would be called Memory. According to Solomon, this functionality is based on Project Astra, Google’s vision of Artificial Intelligence assistants.

Regarding the controversy generated by the announcement of this Microsoft function Solomon stated that when people are not clear about how a function works, or do not see its usefulness clearly, they consider it atrocious. But, once you find its usefulness on a daily basis and how it can help when interacting with the PC, your opinion changes considerably.

Google Gemini AI

This project, built on the basis of Gemini, Google’s AI and, like the Recall function, would allow its operation to be configured so that the user has complete control over which applications or websites are captured, therefore that we can prevent this from working when we connect to the bank’s website, access our email account among others, create documents in Word, Excel or PowerPoint format.

If Google officially confirms the Memory function, the controversy generated by Microsoft’s Recall function may remain a simple anecdote, since many users will claim that Google will be able to collect more user data so that advertisers can focus advertising campaigns. advertising offered by the Google advertising platform, although this is not really the case, since it will work in the same way as Recall, analyzing the data locally through the device’s NPU.

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