How to activate photo filters in WhatsApp – Filters for photos


Just as humanity is in constant development, technology goes hand in hand with it. So it is not surprising that the well-known instant messaging application WhatsApp constantly offers its users new features and improvements, such as filters, so here we will teach you how to activate photo filters in WhatsApp.

A very useful tool when it comes to embellishing photos moments before publishing it in your states or sharing it with your friends.

Initially, this function came out only for Apple’s iOS operating system and with a reduced catalog of five alternatives to retouch photos. Today it is present for most mobile devices, with different filters in different shades and styles, offering among all of them, the perfect one for that photo that you want to share so much.

However, if the functionalities offered by WhatsApp are not to your liking, you can learn in another way to edit your photos like a professional.

Improve your photos with WhatsApp

It is well known that today you can find a variety of applications created specifically for photo editing, some of which do not even require you to know design or image editing to do magic with photos. However, with the WhatsApp filter tool you can easily retouch photos in an instant.

Select your photo to share on WhatsApp

First of all, the first thing you need to do to apply filters to an image is to select it. You can do this in different ways.

Select your photo to share


From the gallery, locate the image you want to share, press the share button, then share on WhatsApp.

from chat

Once inside the chat, you have two options:

  1. Tap the camera icon (right next to the send icon)
  2. capture the image

Also, you can do it by accessing the gallery from the WhatsApp chat

  1. Pressing the clip next to the camera
  2. Then press the gallery icon
  3. Choose the image to send.

whatsapp snapshot

Once the application is open, you slide to the left, or you can very well press the camera button, right next to “Chat” and capture the photo.

When uploading a status on WhatsApp

Like the WhatsApp snapshot, you must go to the “Status” section, in it you will see the status of your contacts, later, in the lower right corner you will locate a camera icon.

You can tap on it to capture an image or upload one of your recent images from your gallery; Likewise, you can also slide up and access the image gallery interface of your device in WhatsApp.

Apply the filters in WhatsApp

Once the photo is selected, we can now talk about the filters. Right after ordering your device to share the image on WhatsApp, a menu will open where you can not only edit the photos on WhatsApp before sending them, but also crop it, insert an Emoji, a text and/or draw a line /He drew.

In the interface you will see that below it highlights a text with an arrow above it ”Swipe up for filters”. Swiping your finger up will open the filter menu for the photo you want to upload. As we have already mentioned, the application only has five basic filters:

Apply the filters in WhatsApp

  • Black and White.
  • Pop, which contrasts and enhances colors.
  • Cool, a touch colder and bluish.
  • Film, for those who love photos with retro and vintage touches.
  • Chrome, which accentuates and adds intensity to colors, adds a little more contrast to the image, but in a different way than “Pop”.

There are five basic filters that, perhaps for some users, are not enough or they simply do not like it. Despite this, we can see that WhatsApp is one of the applications that maintains constant innovation and improvement.

It should be noted that WhatsApp was created under the main idea of ​​instant messaging, not as an image editor. If the filters are not enough, you can install a photo editor, with a much more extensive gallery of filters and, together with an editing tool, upload the image to WhatsApp.

Now that you have learned how to activate the photo filters in WhatsApp, what are you waiting for to learn the best secret WhatsApp tricks and be an expert in the application.

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