How to correct information in the history of the Credit Bureau


Protection against fraud is extremely important and we talk more about credits and money that you must pay in case you become a victim. Having practical information with steps to follow in case you fall into one of these situations is useful and can help you a lot, in the same way as knowing how to make claims in the face of inaccurate information.

That is why we have brought you this article where we will talk about a problem that unfortunately has become common these days. Has it ever happened to you that you have wrong information in your credit history? It happens to many and they have been victims of fraud and have had to pay, many even wonder how long it will take for all the debts to disappear.

Surely that is why you are here, since you do not want to have to go through this uncomfortable situation and have problems requesting your credits. Don’t worry, this problem has a solution, it is not a hopeless case, much less since it is very easy to correct these problems.

All you have to do is read this article where we give you the steps you must follow to correct it quickly. You will see that the procedure is not complicated at all and in two by three you will have everything solved.

What is a credit bureau?

First of all, what is the credit bureau for sure? Let’s talk a little about this and thus clear any doubts you have. This will help you to have a broader framework of information and you will be able to better understand the steps that we will give you.

That said, a credit bureau is a national institution created to store the credit data of people and companies in a specific country. Also responsible for issuing reports and communicating to people who have debts that must be paid to be solvent.

buro de credito logo background of man in office in front of screen and with tablet on table

This institution is very useful, since it has a database with the necessary data to verify the financial status of a person and know if he is eligible for a loan. For example, if a person or company requires a loan to access a good or service, the entity in question will be able to verify the credit data of the applicant and see if they are eligible or not.

However, this system is not perfect as people can use tricks to take advantage of others and steal money. But these irregularities in your credit history can be corrected and thus not be another victim of anyone who tries to trick you, and if that is your case, it is important that you know how to block your Credit Bureau.

The procedure to correct these irregularities is very simple, just follow the steps that we are going to show you next in this article. You will see that in two by three you will be able to resolve any irregularity that may arise in your credit history.

How to correct information in the credit history?

photo of the credit history of the special credit report

Next, we will provide you with all the necessary information so that you can correct any irregularity that may appear in your credit history. That said, the first thing you should do is go to the credit bureau’s home portal from your Web browser.

Step 1

After accessing the bureau portal, you must enter your account to request your “Special Credit Report” to verify the status of your account. You can also do it by phone by calling the number “5449 4954” if you are from Mexico City or “01800 640 7920” if you are from the interior of the country.

Step 2

Once you receive it via email, you will be able to verify your personal data and the debts that you have in force at the time. So in this report look for the irregularity that you have detected in order to proceed with the claim from the page portal.

Step 3

Once you have all the data of the account to which the credit went and having made the claim, the bureau will assign you a folio and a legend will appear on your account. This legend in your history will indicate that the credit in question has been challenged and is under review.

And that’s it, in 29 calendar days the credit bureau will notify you about the resolution given by the credit grantor. It is true that these steps were not so difficult, we invite you to continue investigating all the advantages of taking a loan from the credit bureau.

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