How to create animated texts, logos, buttons and fonts online with Cool Text


Creating in Cool Text allows for greater freedom in the content being produced, making anything possible. Creating text, logos, buttons and animated fonts online has never been so easy.

If you want to do this whole process by yourself, this tool gives you the options to do it without needing advice. Thanks to its intuitive system, it is not very complicated that you have the production in a couple of minutes.

From the simplest to the most complicated details, you can tackle different editing styles. To know more you can continue reading and, finally, edit what you are needing.

How to produce content in Cool Text?

The entire creation process is online, but allowing the download of functional graphics for your growing website. Although it is not the only alternative on the Internet, it is one of the simplest and most basic.

Professional logo design can include movement or different fonts that can be resized. The details that are placed on it can be varied in terms of outlines and colors.

professional logos

Thus, the originality will stand out and the texts will be unique among other content found online. Entering Cool Text you will notice that the use of its tools is completely free and for all audiences.

The list of designs found is indefinite, being possible to choose the one that best suits you and start production. In the corresponding box, the desired text or symbol is placed, personalizing the creation.

The font type, text size, alignment, colors, shadows, dimensions and formatting can be changed. Thus, in the image that is generated on the platform, the changes made with the preview will be noted.

If you are satisfied with the result of Cool Text, click on ‘Create Logo’, downloading the image afterwards. If you don’t want to download it, there is also the option to share it by email or on social networks.

Benefits of using Cool Text

The adaptation of texts to figures with Photoshop, unfortunately, is something that Cool Text does not have among its tools. However, when producing the texts, they can have animations that are cheerful, having the transitions that are preferred.

All this saves a lot of money in digital content creation, being a growing industry. Thus, it is usually very expensive, and this is how unnecessary costs can be eliminated in editing.

Starting with the formation of a company, many marketing and advertising strategies are needed. They must be attractive and simply reflect the benefits of the product being offered.

To do this, Cool Text becomes a good tool for beginners, making them experts in the field later. Being able to create 3D images or animations makes the content more attractive and that is what this tool offers.

three dimensional content

As a recurring strategy, GIFS make users or customers of a website visit it more frequently. The content of interesting and engaging descriptive texts can increase the desired visits.

Even if you want to have the content in a tangible way, it is also possible with the printing of the logos. This is almost always used in advertising cases, so it can be noticed in posters or colorful images.

However, if you want to create 3D figures, they can only be obtained digitally. Cool Text offers possibilities to create logos or transitory images to add them to videos or audiovisual elements.

Based on this, an identity begins to be created that all users begin to understand and relate to. Just by understanding its main uses, this could be one of the most needed solutions for advertising in general.

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