How to know if my cell phone burned or short-circuited and if the board can be repaired


Day by day we realize the ways in which a cell phone can be damaged, likewise we get more and more desperate when one of these reasons happens on our cell phones.

The battery plate or also called cell phone plate, has the most important function of your phone, so it is the most prone to damage in any of the reasons mentioned above, this happens because this plate has several small pieces, which together they make a set of unique and special parts for your phone model. The moment the phone turns on again, the cell phone must be reset from the factory.

Did my cell phone burn or just short circuit?

There are many ways to know if a cell phone burned or just shorted, sometimes for reasons so simple that we don’t even realize how it happened. There are people who say that Samsung phones are the most prone to this happening to them.

The most common reasons why a cell phone burns is because some liquid enters it, or even through the charger, that is, the high voltage chargers that cause us to overload our cell phone, causing the plate to heat up a lot and thus causing an irreparable error.

cell short circuit

Sometimes it is normal for a cell phone to get stuck on the Android logo, for this we must consult a technician.

When the mobile phone is wet by some type of liquid, it is evident that it is damaged by this liquid, causing a short circuit and also causing the plate to burn, so it is possible that both things happen in a few steps.

The most affected when this happens is the motherboard or the battery plate and the screen of the cell phone, because they are the ones that have the most microcircuits inside the cell phone.

The devices cause short circuits when making contact with a foreign substance, this is due to the fact that the device produces oxidation and sulfates are born that cause the shorts inside the plate. In this case it is important to remove the battery, SIM card and not turn on the device for a few hours.

How to solve these cases?

There are people who have designed different homemade methods that help the phone not to reach the so-called “sudden death”, among them is the rice technique to absorb all the existing moisture in the device. All this is done with the parts of the phone on the outside, there are other much more complicated techniques but I assure you that their effectiveness will be the same.

Let’s remember that every problem has a solution depending on its severity, that is, how long it was in contact with water.

In case the problem is an overload, you should check where the biggest problem was, at this moment we will find out if it was on the screen, plate, charging pin, among others. If it was on the plate, it is better that you buy a new one.

broken cell phone repair

Can the board be repaired if any of these problems occur?

As stated above, these explanations vary depending on the severity of the damage caused to the cell phone, sometimes it can be irreparable. But to answer your question, if the battery plate of our cell phone can be repaired.

The battery plates are several pieces formed in one, so these pieces can be replaced depending on the damage, however it is something that can be very expensive depending on the cell phone model we have, likewise there are times when a technician say that it is better to purchase a new plate.

Let us remember that the battery plate is the fundamental part of a phone, so today it is very common for them to be malnourished, in very rare cases these plates are objectionable, that is why we must know the characteristics of our Android, taking into account that these are always changing.

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