How to locate or track my stolen cell phone using Google Maps and Gmail – Free


Has your phone been stolen and you want to get it back? We tell you how to locate your mobile using the tools offered by Google and track it successfully. In this same way you could also sabotage the evildoer’s plans by blocking the SIM card of your lost or stolen phone.

This service is completely free. To start, it is essential that the device is connected to a mobile or wireless data network, be associated with a created Gmail account, and that both the GPS and the “Find my device” option are active.

To access this option you must search in the settings configuration on your mobile, the “Security and privacy” option and activate it.

How to track my cell phone by Gmail

Locating a mobile by Gmail is super simple, you can even monitor any device associated with your account, to locate them in real time. As well as sharing your location or that of your devices in real time.

To start your search you just have to

Enter the web, or simply from another module place in the search engine “android device administration”, enter your username (email that is associated with the lost mobile) and password, clever! You will be able to see the location in real time.

You will be able to see on the left side of the screen the name of your device, time of activity and even the percentage of battery it has, in addition to whether it is connected to a Wi-Fi network, it will show you which one. On the other side of the screen it will show the exact location of the mobile.

track my cell phone by gmail

After locating the location, you can perform three actions:

Play a sound: which will be activated whether the phone is on vibrate or silent, it will be active for 5 minutes, alerting whoever stole it.

Lock device: you can change the password or set it in case you did not set any; to add a plus, you have the option to add an alert message and an optional number where you can be reached to return your phone; If it doesn’t work, you completely block the cell phone so that no one can access the internal files of your mobile.

Delete content: you format all the files you have on your cell phone, once this action is done you will no longer be able to locate it.

Other applications that can help locate or track your cell phone

Lockout Mobile Security: This app protects your mobile using a sound alarm, it is also an anti hardware, antivirus, antispyware, phone tracker and locator. Best of all, it’s completely free. Guarantees continuous antivirus protection helping to optimize the performance of your mobile, save the last location if the battery ran out. It is available on IOS and Android devices.

Family Locator: Available on Android and IOS users, it allows you to know the location of your family through cell tracking. It allows you to create circles of friends, tracks the route and creates alerts if something new arises.

Cerberus: Positioned as the favorite of users with a greater number of downloads, it controls your phone from another location and stealthily, you can control it through text messages if it does not have internet access, it notes failed unlock attempts, it can record audio , make the mobile ring, obtain information on the SIM card inserted, as well as make a copy of all your files to a Drive account.

applications that can help locate or track your cell phone

Prey Anti-Theft: The free alternative to cerbeus, security software originating in Chile. It geographically positions the location of your device, reports any changes made to the files and active applications, the fabulous thing about the app is that it takes a photo with the front camera of the device, you will be able to discover who is responsible for the theft of your mobile.

Trust & Go: It shows you the location of your cell phone, on the third failed attempt of the security pattern, it takes a photo with the front camera and sends it by email, it offers to back up your files and it also works as an antivirus.

Also if you want to learn how to enable the anti-theft lock on your Android phone, you can click here.

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