How to put sliding emojis in Instagram stories – What are they and how do emoji sliders work?


Every day there are more utilities that Instagram has for its users and the most recent is putting sliding emojis in stories. With this new functionality, this platform is committed to gaining more users, since the images that they upload to their stories can be further customized and thus achieve more visits to your Instagram stories.

In addition, Instagram has provided a wide variety of different funny and outstanding emojis, which will make all its users addicted to them. If you still don’t know what Instagram emoji sliders are and how they work, keep reading this post, where you’ll find out everything.

What are emoji sliders and how do they work?

Instagram, in its competitive quest to be the best photo and video sharing platform, decided to create a new feature for your stories. This functionality was baptized as emoji slider and is capturing the attention of its users, because it allows them to give their photos a more personal touch.

Certainly, it has been an undoubted success and although some users do not know what these slider emojis are, they are trying to use them in their stories. The emoji slider are stickers that can be placed on the images of Instagram stories, so that your friends can interact with you.

The particularity of these slider emojis is that you can post questions or a survey and your followers can easily answer them. With just a swipe of your finger on your story, your followers will be able to answer any question you’ve placed on the swipe emojis.

In this way, Instagram bets on a more frank and direct communication between all the users who make use of this social network. Best of all, this functionality is available no matter what device you have, as it is available for both Android and iOS.

Also, many people are using this tool that Instagram had in their stories, to find out what people like. This, through surveys and thus be able to offer more personalized products and services to their followers within this social network.

As you can see, there is always a use for everyone, so if you are looking to earn money with emoji sliders, you can do it. On the other hand, if what you want is to become an influencer on this social network, you can also use the emoji slider.

instagram emoji

You can also share your Instagram stories on Facebook, so you have more exposure of your content on social networks.

How to Put Slider Emojis on Instagram Stories

Now that you know what sliding emojis are and how they work, it’s time for you to learn how to put them in your Instagram story. These are all instructions that you will have to follow so that you can place polls or questions in your story with the emojis slider.

  1. Once inside the Instagram application you are going to select the “Camera” icon, which is located in the upper left corner.
  2. From the camera you can take a new photo or you can slide your finger up to choose a photo that is in the mobile gallery.
  3. Once you have chosen the image, you must select the “Emojis” icon located in the upper center of the screen of your device.
  4. Next, a tab will open at the bottom of the screen where you have to choose the emojis slider icon.
  5. Then, you must write the question that you want to appear in the emojis slider of your story.
  6. Finally, you just have to touch the “Send to” button and another tab will open where you will select “Share” and that’s it. In this simple way, your story will already be published with an emoji slider, so that your followers can interact with you.

instagram and keyboard emojis

Also, this post may be relevant to you regarding how I can use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram on my mobile without installing the App.

As you can see, putting slider emojis on Instagram stories is really simple if you follow these easy steps that you learned in this post. Don’t waste time and make your first story with an emojis slider and tell us how it went by leaving a comment.

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