How to share files and folders in Google Drive from the cell phone – Step by step


Today there are a large number of companies that help us in our daily lives, but we can all assure you that one of the most influential and useful is undoubtedly Google. This offers us a large number of technological tools and devices that are of great help to us every day. If you want to get more out of one of its tools, today we show you how to share files and folders in Google Drive from your cell phone.

Google Drive is an excellent tool for sharing files, even very large ones. And, as its developers know that most of us use our cell phones constantly, they have made it possible for us to use this great Google tool from our mobile. Here we show you how to achieve it step by step.

How to share files and folders in Google Drive from mobile?

Over the years, we have undoubtedly noticed that technological tools are here to stay. Tasks that were once complicated or even impossible for ordinary people to accomplish are now everyday things. And it’s all thanks to the work of people and companies that have undoubtedly changed the world, as Google has done.

Its tools are available to people of all kinds, and there is no doubt that they have become very useful to those who know them. For example, knowing what Google Drive is opens up a wide range of possibilities when it comes to transferring or sharing all kinds of documents and files.

finger touching red net

Now, how can we use Google Drive from the mobile? Below we show you the simple steps you must follow to share different files or folders of this Google tool from your smartphone without any problem.

Steps to share a Google Drive file or folder from the cell phone

There are many things that we can do from our cell phone, and with Google tools the spectrum opens up even more. Now, we show you the steps you need to follow to share files from Google Drive on your smartphone. They are:

  • First of all, make sure you’re signed in to the Google Drive app on your phone.
  • Sign in with your Google account.
  • Once inside, locate the file you want to share.
  • Next to the file name, tap the symbol with three dots.
  • Then press “Share”.
  • In the “Share with people or groups” section, enter the email you want to send the file to.
  • Select what users can do with the file by pressing the arrow at the bottom.
  • Choose the option that suits you best.
  • When you are satisfied with your choices, press “Done”.

That is all! As you can see, creating a Google Drive account offers many benefits, especially if we have the constant need to share different files with others. Of course, if you want to share a folder, you have to follow the same steps after you have created it and included several files in it.

What to do with shared files in Google Drive from mobile?

If you want to share files or folders to a group of people on Google Drive, whether large or small, you may need to grant different permissions to them. For example, if you want someone to have a direct link to a file, you have to follow the steps below:

  • Open the file.

finger touching screen with social networks

  • Hit “Share.”
  • Under the “Get Link” option, tap the down arrow.
  • Select the person you want to share the file with.
  • Hit “Copy” and then “Done.”
  • Lastly, paste the link you copied into an email or wherever you want to share it.

It’s that simple! Once this is done, the people with whom you have shared it can press the link and access said file. You can also make a folder or file public if, under “Get link”, you press the “Link settings” option and then “public link”. Also, if needed, you can transfer files from one account to another in Google Drive.

We hope that all this guide can be very useful to you, and that you can get the most out of this great tool that Google offers us.

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