I have found a job and I have not reported it to SEPE: can they fine me?


Not notifying the SEPE in time of our incorporation, the labor market is cause for sanction, as long as we are collecting unemployment benefits. Contrary to general belief, it is not the responsibility of the company that signs the contract to report a change in position on the matter.

Although everything is increasingly digitalized, there are still many Public Administration procedures that must be carried out. perform individually to avoid possible sanctions and comply with existing regulations. We find one of them when we are collecting unemployment benefits and find a new job. Contrary to general belief, in this case it is our responsibility, as citizens, to report this change in our employment situation. In this way, the benefit will be interrupted without having to take more steps.

This communication can be done through the online channel. However, for this it is essential that we have a digital certificate, electronic DNI or Cl@ve PIN. Otherwise, we would have to physically go to one of the offices located in our town using the appointment system that is mandatory to carry out this type of procedure. But what penalties do we face if we don’t take the right steps?

These are the sanctions we can face

The SEPE has a sanctioning code which varies depending on the severity of the situation in question. In the event that we do not communicate “except for justified cause” the withdrawal of the benefits system when we find a new job, we face a type of infraction that for the SEPE It is classified as “serious”. If this happens only once, the penalty will be the loss of three months of benefits when we need them again. In the event that it is repeated a second time, the violation will mean a six-month pause in benefits. If we are repeat offenders and commit the same infraction three times, the benefits are completely extinguished.

However, we can also incur a “very serious” sanction if we try to make unemployment benefits compatible with self-employment or employment, “except in the case of part-time work.” In this case, the consequence is the termination of the benefit, which could be up to a full year.

sepe sanctions people computer

The obligation falls on the worker

One of the most common situations occurs when the worker has never faced a similar scenario and trusts that it is the employer who must communicate to the SEPE through the usual procedures the hiring of a worker who was receiving unemployment benefits. However, the reality is very different.

In all cases, it is the worker who has the rresponsibility to communicate to SEPE any change that occurs in your employment situation. In the case of wanting to combine benefits with certain regimes, such as when we work part-time, we must communicate our intentions to the SEPE through the appointment system at their in-person offices so that the pertinent procedures can be carried out and we avoid incurring any possible fine to which we are exposed. That, depending on the severity, it is possible to even suspend any benefit for 12 months.

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