I received a suspicious call from Digi: now, it has confirmed the fraud and it could affect you too


Digi, like the rest of the operators, has its own official channels and uses a series of procedures to keep in touch with its customers. If you receive a suspicious call, in which they do not identify themselves correctly, be suspicious. We will tell you how you can identify it.

Cyber ​​scams are the order of the day. And in recent years, even more so. Many of us have received a call or a message from a cybercriminal. exchanged any messages with some criminal gang that wanted to scam us through the different channels they usually use. In X, we can read the case of a client of the Romanian operator who claims have received a call from a number that is not the company’s official one and that has been passed off as the Digi technical service. Without giving further details, presumably with the aim of collecting your personal data or even your banking information.

From the moment it was brought to the attention of the company, Digi has warned that this type of communication They are not Digi’s own and that, in addition, in the event that they occur, they are always correctly identified in order to carry out the relevant management. The problem is such that even the company itself has a section on its website in which it deals with all those calls that try to impersonate the company and how we can act on them.

Image twitter user

Ryan Ezcam


@digimobil_es Good afternoon, they are calling from the number 651 142 433 pretending to be from Digi’s technical service. It looks like a scam. As soon as I ask for any information they have on me, they hang up on me.

July 23, 2024 • 18:56



Promotional campaigns

Digi confirms that some of its customers have contacted the operator reporting various scam attempts using all kinds of arguments. One of the most common is to inform the customer that the promotion that is active is going to end and the operator is going to proceed to raise the price. Shortly afterwards, a second teleco contacts them offering its services, which are usually cheaper than the supposed price change they are going to receive.

However, Digi warns that This is a scam that does not comply with the policies with which it offers its services. Since Digi’s prices are not promotional and the Romanian company is committed to its customers to always offer the best possible conditions. In addition, any changes are communicated both by SMS as by emailbut never through a call.

An improvement in price or product

Another of the most common scam attempts involves receiving a call that pretends to be from Digi and that aims to improve the price or conditions of the product they have contracted. However, this is not a scam either. common practice and should make us immediately suspicious for the same reasons we have mentioned previously.

The objective they pursue with this type of actions is to obtain our personal data and the bank account number for fraudulent purposes. If you receive a call with any of the two arguments mentioned above, the best thing to do is to hang up the call and then block the number. In addition to informing Digi through its service, Customer Support so that they can have it under control and prevent them from trying to scam more people.

In case of doubt, Contact Digi before giving away any of our data is the best option to avoid major problems.

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