If you keep your passwords in Bitwarden, already active this function so that they do not fall into hackers


It is increasingly common that we use multiple passwords to protect access to our platforms and applications. The problem comes when we are obliged to memorize all these keys, something quite complicated for most users.

More if we consider that it is advisable to use complex passwords so as not to facilitate your hacking. At the same time, as we have commented on innumerable occasions, it is preferable not to repeat the same password in different places. Sometimes we face tens or even hundreds of these elements that we use more or less frequently. Memorizing them all is almost impossible, and that is where the so -called password managers come into play.

These platforms allow us to store all those protected and encrypted personal keys under a master key. In this way we will only have to memorize a single key, which makes key, to access the rest we keep here over time. It is worth mentioning that Bitwarden is one of the most used and extended proposals for a long time. We tell you all this because now your top responsible adds a new function that hinders hackers access to your passwords.

The truth is that these password managers are a good way to store your access credentials. But it is also true that if an attacker is done with the master key, he will have access to all the accounts we have stored. Fortunately, Bitwarden is adding a function that will make it much more difficult for hackers to access your vault, even if they know the master password. Hence precisely the importance of this new tool integrated in the proposal that we tell you and that you should activate as soon as possible.

Bitwarden adds double factor authentication

And as they communicate now, the password management application now has a new two factors’ authentication protection layer. Also known as 2FA, this is a functionality that will allow us to more effectively protect all the private contents that we are storing here over time.

First of all, it is worth mentioning that this is a characteristic that we can activate from now on from the official password manager applications for free, or from the web version. In turn, it is worth knowing that we can configure different double factor authentication methods such as email or some specific application for it.

Bitwarden 2fa

Once we have accessed our Bitwarden account, if we have not yet activated this new security tool, it will send us an email to remind us that it is already available. Thus, in the event that someone steals the master key that gives access to the rest of the passwords stored in the manager, will need to use this double factor method to access the entire content. Otherwise, the master key as such will not help them, which greatly hinders the hacking of our account here. That is precisely the importance of activating the functionality that has just arrived, as soon as possible.

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