If you see this happening with your router, it’s time to change it.


Having a good router is key to achieving an optimal connection. However, sometimes the device may stop working properly. You may notice that the speed is not good, that the connection drops a lot or even that it has become obsolete. We are going to tell you about some signs that you should take into account in your router, to change the device and buy a new device with guarantees.

A device can be very good, have good features and be useful for what we need, but there comes a time when it starts to go wrong. This can happen with any device and one of them is the router. In this case, it can also cause many other devices to start to go wrong, since they could depend on having a quality connection.

To change or not to change router

These signs that we are going to show you can appear on any model of router that you use. You may notice that it no longer works as usual, see changes that affect the connection and, ultimately, have complications when using the devices in your daily life on the network.

Your devices are often disconnected

One thing you may notice is that your devices start to disconnect from the network a lot. These can be computers, mobile phones or any home automation device. You see that there is no reason for them to start working badly, but they continually lose signal and you have to restart the router to get it working properly again.

If this happens, it could be a clear sign that your router is not working properly. Like any other device, over time its components could start to fail. You can notice this in several ways, and one of the most obvious is when devices are disconnected.

Speed ​​is not stable

Having a good Internet speed means that the router is working well and there are no problems. When it starts to drop, it is unstable and you notice that there are many ups and downs, it can be a clear sign that there is a problem with this device. In that case, you should take action and see what is happening.

However, keep in mind that the fact that the speed is unstable is not always going to be the fault of the router. There could be other factors that come into play, such as poor coverage, poorly configured devices, etc. You will have to check everything very carefully and rule out possible problems.

Right side of the ASUS RT-BE88U Wi-Fi 7 router in detail

The coverage is very weak

Another sign is if you notice that the coverage is very weak. There may be problems with the internal antennas and the Wi-Fi is not working well. This will mean that you will not be able to connect your devices wirelessly normally, as you did before. Basically, the signal will reach a shorter distance and be weaker.

As in the previous case, having poor coverage is not always going to be the fault of the router. There may be devices nearby that generate interference or it may be a problem with the devices you are going to connect to the network. Sometimes the router may flicker and this is a sign that something is not right.

No longer receiving updates

This problem is important if we take into account security. The fact that the router does not receive updates does not mean that it will stop working, or that it will work worse. What it will mean is that it will no longer be as secure, as it will not correct possible vulnerabilities that may exist and expose the network.

This is certainly one of the reasons why it is worth buying a new router. If you see that the one you have is no longer going to receive updates, choosing to buy a new one may be the best solution.

So, here are some reasons why it may be worthwhile to buy a new router. If you notice that any of these signs are present, it will be a good idea to buy a new device in order to achieve optimal performance.

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