If you use LastPass and forget your password, you will love this novelty


Little by little password managers have been gaining importance due to the enormous use we make of these access codes. They allow us to manage these security elements much better in a simple way, as is the case with LastPass.

And it is that memorizing the large number of own passwords that we use today is a fairly complicated task. Even more so if we take into account and follow the recommendations of experts on the subject who tell us not to repeat these passwords and to make them as complex as possible. We are now reaching a point where a multitude of companies are trying to provide us with a world without passwords, including Microsoft itself in Windows.

For this we try to provide additional more advanced functions to avoid the use of these elements. It seems that at the same time the developers of the aforementioned LastPass manager also want to join this movement. In fact, as the months go by, this is a reality that little by little becomes more visible. If we focus on the aforementioned manager, now LastPass announces us through LastPass Authenticator.

This is something that will be effective for both private users and companies. It is worth mentioning, to give us an idea, that by activating LastPass Authenticator, we can enjoy a login without a password. What the change actually means is that we won’t have to use the master password to access our personal key database. For example, this will be very useful if we often forget the master password that gives us access to the rest of the security elements stored here. This is something that usually happens to many users and they have to recover it.

LastPass Authenticator, the function that prevents the use of the master key

We must take into account that this platform for password management is working on components compatible with FIDO2. In turn, it supports alternative authentication mechanisms such as biometric facial identification and fingerprints. It also wants to make use of security keys via hardware, something that is expected to be seen on its platform in the coming months.

But right now the absence of a master password is already a reality through LastPass Authenticator. All we have to do to benefit from this novelty is to configure the application previously and we can forget about the master key used until now. All this thanks to passwordless technology, which allows us to log in without a password and instantly access our content without having to enter any.

LastPass Authenticator

Of course, we must take into consideration that once we have configured the passwordless login with LastPass Authenticator, we will need that master key for changes related to the account. However, in the daily use of our platform for the management of these elements, we can dispense with the use of a password to access our data. As you can imagine, all of this will be extremely useful for both end users and administrators of a company’s equipment.

In fact, the trends in many platforms and applications are moving towards this type of measure, as many companies are announcing. All this in order to make things easier for us in the daily use of these passwords and keys.

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