I’m going on a 15-day trip, should I unplug the refrigerator?

I’m going on a 15-day trip, should I unplug the refrigerator?

When summer arrives, the luckiest of us start planning our long-awaited vacations. But before we pack our suitcase and head out the door, one important question often arises: “Should I unplug the refrigerator if I’m going on a trip?” If that’s the case, you’re in luck. In this article, I’m going to help you make the best decision so you can enjoy your vacation without worries and also save on your electricity bill.

If you are one of the lucky ones who is going to leave home for a few days this summer on vacation, you have surely considered or will consider whether to unplug the refrigerator or not. Is it a good idea? Is it necessary to turn it off if you are only going away for 15 days? Is it too much of an expense? Don’t worry, everyone! If you have all or any of these doubts, you are in the right place. Here, we tell you everything you need to know about turning off or keeping your fridge plugged in, if you are going away for a few days on vacation.

All about whether you should turn off the fridge before going on vacation.

Reasons to unplug the refrigerator when you go on vacation

First of all, because unplugging the refrigerator before you go on holiday has several benefits that you should at least be aware of. The Organisation of Consumers and Users (OCU) recommends this practice to avoid common problems such as bad odours and mould formation. But in addition to these benefits, there are other reasons that are worth knowing. In any case, you should consider the number of days you are going to be away, because if it is only for a short time, it may not be worth it.

For savings on your electricity bill

If you leave a refrigerator running for a month, it will cost you between 3.5 and 7 euros, depending on the model and its energy efficiency. If you consider that this appliance consumes up to 30.6% of the energy in the house, unplugging it can mean a significant saving on your electricity bill. Over a period of 15 days, the savings are minimal, so the most advisable thing to do during this time is to leave the fridge plugged in.

Assuming that a refrigerator consumes about 300kWh per year (depending on the technical specifications of each model, it may be more or less), it means that we will have an average consumption of 25kWh per month, although in the summer months it will be somewhat higher, and in the winter months it will be somewhat lower. 15 days means that we will have a consumption of approximately 15kWh, so if we pay €0.20 per kWh (VAT included), it means that the cost of leaving it on is approximately €3 on the electricity bill, which is really low.

For home security

By unplugging your refrigerator and other appliances, you will also be contributing to the safety of your home. By reducing the risk of electrical fires and avoiding standby consumption, you are protecting your home and your appliances.

In any case, this is a habit that we have inherited from our parents, who had much lower quality appliances at home, and fewer safety devices. Nowadays, it is quite safe to leave appliances on Stand By, especially if we are talking about a 15-day vacation. Another thing is to go to the beach house for 2 months, in which case, the consumption on stand-by and the savings are much greater.

Now you know if you have to turn off the refrigerator before going on vacation.

How to prepare the refrigerator before unplugging it?

If you’re going to unplug your refrigerator before you leave, it’s important to take a few steps to make sure everything is in order when you return.

Empty and clean the refrigerator

First, make sure you consume or donate all perishable foods before you leave. Once empty, clean the interior thoroughly with a solution of water and baking soda to remove any food residue and prevent bad odors.

Leave the refrigerator door ajar to allow air circulation and prevent mold growth. You should also remove anything frozen that might form puddles of water when the ice melts. This process can take several hours, so plan ahead.

Adjust the thermostat if you can’t unplug it.

If you have to leave some food in the fridge, set the thermostat to a slightly higher temperature than usual to reduce energy consumption. The OCU recommends a temperature of 5 °C in the fridge and -18 °C in the freezer for efficient use.

Ultimately, unplugging your refrigerator while on vacation can be a great way to save on your electricity bill and increase the security of your home. But it’s also important to prepare the appliance properly and consider the specific needs of your home before making this decision.

As we have seen here, it is not worth turning off the refrigerator for a 15-day vacation. If you are going to be away for longer, you already know how to prepare everything to save money and ensure that when you return, everything is in its place.

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