Is it advisable to change your electricity rate to save in summer? This you should know


Changing the contracted electricity rate is one of the options to try to pay less each month. There are many available, which can be adapted depending on the demand we have, the appliances we are going to connect, at what time, etc. But is it advisable to change it for the summer months? We are going to talk to you about it in this article. We are going to explain to you whether or not it is interesting to change the rate.

Keep in mind that you will not always have the same demand for electricity. It is not the same in months when the temperature can be more extreme, such as winter and summer, than in milder times. It will also depend on the time you spend at home and, therefore, the habits you may have.

Whether or not to change the electricity rate for summer

You may consume significantly more electricity in winter and have a rate that adapts to that consumption. On the other hand, in summer you may live in a temperate area, where you don’t need to turn on the air conditioning or you barely spend time at home. This is when you might be interested in changing your rate to another that may have a lower price adapted to your consumption.

To know if it suits you or not, you must analyze several factors. The first thing is to see exactly what rate you have contracted and how it behaves in the summer months. Maybe the change won’t affect you and what you have is enough for what you’ll need. Instead, you could have a contracted rate that adapts to higher consumption, which means that it would only pay if you are going to consume a lot during the month.

You should also check whether your rate is permanent or not. If it has permanence, you would have to pay a penalty and it will rarely compensate you. Of course, changing the rate is a free process and you can do it whenever you want, taking into account what we mentioned about possible permanence. In general, for most homes, changing the electricity rate only for the summer months will not be necessary. At best, you could save a little money but it won’t be worth it to have to change again a few months later.

Change the contracted electricity rate

Analyze the schedules

One factor that you should check very carefully is the schedules. It is possible that you have a rate with time discrimination, which means that you will pay based on when you consume. This is interesting, since you could live in a very hot area and force yourself to turn on the air conditioner (or even several) during the night. During those hours, energy consumption will increase. Therefore, you would be interested in a rate where you pay less at night.

You should also take into account the time you spend at home. In winter you could spend more time at home, while in summer you could spend more time outside or even be away on weekends. All this will make it interesting or not to change the electricity rate for the summer months, in order to save. It is always important to take advantage of the cheap hours of light.

Another aspect to take into account is the electrical power you have contracted, although the most normal thing is to size the electrical power for the entire year, it is possible that in certain months you need more power and decide to contract more. A very important aspect that you should keep in mind is that increasing power will cost you a lot of money, although decreasing power also has a cost, it is much cheaper. In principle and in general, you should size the power appropriately depending on your use, but for the whole year, because going up and down power will cost you more money, in fact, surely if you leave a higher power it will cost you less over time. throughout the year to be lowering and raising it.

In short, whether or not to change the electricity rate for the summer months will depend on what consumption you anticipate, the hours, where you are starting from or whether you have permanence or not. You will have to analyze all this, so as not to make a mistake with the change.

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