Movistar Plus+ has two test channels that would arrive through the agreement with RTVE

Movistar Plus+ has two test channels that would arrive through the agreement with RTVE

At the beginning of the year, in February, the RTVE corporation and Telefónica Audiovisual Digital reached an agreement for the distribution of RTVE channels on the Movistar Plus+ platform. The aim of this was to offer subscribers to this television station a more premium viewing experience. Now, two channels appear in tests on TVE.

It was to be expected that, after the passing of the months, the signing of the agreement between RTVE and Movistar would come to fruition. In the last few days, two channels from La 1 and La 2 have appeared on the test dials. So it is finally proven that this latest agreement, which has a duration of three years, is already bearing fruit.

Two channels for territorial disconnections

The Spanish operator and the public television channel signed an agreement that lasts three years. This not only ensures that Movistar Plus+ subscribers can continue to enjoy RTVE content, but also seeks to offer a premium viewing experience and continue to fulfill its “continuing with this agreement, which will allow us to fulfill our public service as a territorialized institution, according to the legal mandate,” as Emilio Gayo explained.

Not only La 1, La 2, Canal 24 horas, Clan or Teledeportes, but also territorial disconnections are sought to provide a better service to the operator’s television customers. In other words, the aim is to integrate those channels that are responsible for the disconnections that cannot yet be seen through this television platform. For this reason, Movistar has already launched up to two test disconnection channels. They are the following:

  • La 1 Madrid: #EXTINF:-1, [001] The 1 MAD
    #EXTINF:-1, [001] The 1 HD MAD
  • The 2 Canary Islands: #EXTINF:-1, [002] The 2nd CAN
    #EXTINF:-1, [002] The 2 HD CAN

La 1 Madrid on Movistar Plus+

These two channels will be added to the platform’s offering in their respective autonomous communities. And all thanks to this latest agreement signed between RTVE and Telefónica in February of this year. Therefore, subscribers in Madrid will enjoy the disconnections of La 1 Madrid and those in the Canary Islands, the channel of La 2.

What specific channels are missing?

However, for the moment these two channels are on the test dials of Movistar television. Although, as usual, once they enter this mode, it is most likely that in the following weeks they will be definitively launched on the current schedule of the operator’s television. Therefore, they would become part of the already definitive dial of Movistar Plus+.

At the moment, the option to disconnect from the La 1 channel can be seen in the following parts of Spain: Andalusia, the Canary Islands, Catalonia (which also has La 2), Valencia, the Basque Country, Galicia and Castilla-La Mancha. So, in this case, there are still several communities that do not have this option, specifically: Madrid, Castilla y León, Aragón, Murcia, Extremadura, Asturias, the Balearic Islands, Navarra, La Rioja, Cantabria and the Canary Islands (although they will soon receive the La 2 channel).

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