One in three suffers this attack on their mobile and it is very dangerous; avoid it


There are many computer attacks that we can suffer both on the mobile and on the computer. They can steal passwords, personal data or sneak a virus into us so that it starts to malfunction. However, there are certain strategies that cybercriminals tend to use more. In this article we echo a problem that affects about one in three mobile users and is really dangerous for security and privacy. These are Phishing attacks.

Mobile Phishing breaks records

Phishing attacks are widely used to steal passwords. Basically, what cybercriminals do is send an email or SMS where they somehow cause the victim to click on a fake link. In this way they manage to steal access codes, personal data or sneak in some malware.

Although this is not a novelty, the problem is that, according to data from Lookout, Phishing rates on mobile devices are being registered like never before. In fact, they calculate that more than 30% of personal mobiles suffer a Phishing attempt each quarter. It does not mean that everyone is successful, but the intention is there.

In addition, it should be noted that Phishing attacks are no longer just sending false emails, but what is known as Vishing (Phishing through phone calls) and even Quishing (they use fake QR codes to steal data) is also increasing. .

The problem is that we all use our mobile phones, every day and in very different circumstances. This means that there will be people with little experience in the technological world who can fall victim to these attacks and expose security. It can also affect business phones of all kinds and put potentially sensitive information at risk.

What to do to avoid Phishing attacks

What can you do to avoid these attacks on your mobile? The main thing in these cases is common sense and avoid making mistakes. Always check very well what links you open or what files you are going to download. It is essential not to enter from links that come to you by mail, social networks or mobile messages.

Also, as an additional security measure, it is good to have a good antivirus. This will help you detect the entry of malicious software that could steal data or cause the device to malfunction. There are many options, both free and paid, but whichever you install it is important that you read reviews and make sure you are using a reliable program.

Another tip to avoid being a victim, even if your password is actually stolen in a Phishing attack, is to enable two-factor authentication whenever possible. This means that a hypothetical attacker will not be able to enter simply by knowing what the access code is, since he will need that second step to enter.

In short, as you can see, Phishing attacks on mobile phones have been increasing in recent times. It is a major problem that can expose your security on the network. Therefore, it is essential to be protected and not make mistakes of any kind when using mobile devices.

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