Order your fridge well to save light every month


Organizing the fridge correctly can be an extra help to save some energy every month. To do this, you must make sure that each food that is stored in the refrigerator receives the cold it really needs, neither more nor less. In this way, it will be easy to spend less electricity each month if you make sure to organize each product in its place.

The fact of placing food in one area or another inside the refrigerator is not only key for it to be properly preserved, but you could also be wasting energy if you don’t know where to put each product. Especially since it is one of the electrical appliances that are connected to the current 24 hours a day and throughout the week. Therefore, it does not hurt to know what is the best way to organize your fridge.

Keep the fridge organized

It is clear that every refrigerator that is in each house is not turning off and on continuously, but is connected to the light every day of the week. But, that does not mean that we cannot save money on the electricity bill with some tips. In fact, with the simple act of arranging the food in the fridge in the correct way, a reduction in light consumption is achieved. Although it has a trick, since you can’t forget to control the temperature either.

Not only the energy cost of the refrigerator matters. What you should be concerned with here is how you place the food. Basically, because when it comes to ordering them in the fridge, you could be causing it to consume more energy than it should when it comes to cooling. So to know how it has to be organized, you can take a look at these tips:

  • That the food does not touch the walls of the refrigerator so that it cools properly.

  • Place the products that are going to expire sooner and, after these, the ones you just bought. When opening the door of the appliance, we will not have to search through the food that is going to expire and we will not leave the refrigerator open for so long.
  • Each food has its place. At the door, the ideal is to put butter, jams or drinks such as water, juice, milk. On the other hand, in the upper part, already open products should be placed that do not require a very low temperature, such as fried tomato, cream, etc. Already in the middle zone, cheeses, yogurts, as well as túpers (it is advisable in hermetic and glass containers). In the lower area it will be necessary to put meat and fish. And, inside the drawers, the vegetables or fruits.


check the temperature

However, all of the above must be complemented with good temperature control offered by this type of appliance. Not only for the fact of achieving food preservation, but for the unnecessary expense that may be taking place in your fridge.

The appropriate thing is that it be placed between 3 and 5 degrees. With these degrees, the products can be kept correctly inside the appliance and, of course, it is possible to reduce the cost of electricity. As for the freezer area, ideally it should be at -18 degrees. All of this combined, not only does it keep your food in good condition, you can also save some energy.

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