Pay attention to these details if you do not want a fine from the Treasury for Income 2023


Just a few days ago, the new annual Income Tax campaign began, now corresponding to last year 2023. A good part of the citizens of this country must submit their declaration to the Tax Agency to comply with their obligations and avoid possible sanctions.

We must take into consideration that here it refers to the income and expenses referring to the last year, and we also have several ways to present said declaration. If we have enough knowledge we can design it ourselves, use the Tax Agency’s own draft or ask for help from a professional on the subject. Perhaps one of the most widespread methods is to file the Income Tax return ourselves, something that many citizens have been doing for several years.

Whatever route we use for its presentation, there are certain sections in which we should pay attention. Otherwise we could face some serious sanction or fine from the Treasury. In these lines we are going to show you some details that you should pay attention to to avoid these fines in the 2023 Income.

Common income mistakes that we should avoid

There are citizens whose income tax return will be refunded, while others will have to pay. But the majority have the obligation to present it, so we should avoid these failures to avoid receiving fines in the future.

Take a look at the draft statement. Many design their own declaration from scratch, so errors can occur due to any oversight. The Tax Agency makes available to us the draft corresponding to it, which could be very helpful to us. Enough with visit this website and identify ourselves.

Declare cryptocurrencies. Say that the purchase of cryptocurrencies is not taxable in personal income tax. But if we have obtained goods or rights by exchanging them for others or selling them in euros, we must include them.

Aid of 200 euros for food. If last year we benefited from this aid that the Government provided to spend on food, we must declare it in the 2023 Income.

Unemployment benefit is also declared. In the event that we have collected unemployment benefits or unemployment benefits any month more than last year, we must declare that income in the 2023 Income. It is worth mentioning that here it is considered as a second payer.

Just include dependent children. A fairly common mistake is to include children who already do it on their own in the income tax return. To avoid sanctions from the Tax Agency, we must know that we can only benefit from dependent children and that we are responsible for ensuring that they do not do so on their own.

Add the second residence. In the event that we have a second residence apart from the usual one, to avoid problems with the Treasury we should include it in the 2023 Income.

Carefully review the Treasury draft. We have already told you that the Tax Agency provides us with a draft so that we can present it directly. However, we recommend that you take a careful look at it before submitting it, since the Treasury is not responsible for any errors in it.

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