That’s how easy you can turn Windows into an access point to improve your home’s Wi-Fi


Despite the high-speed connections that our Internet providers provide us today, once up and running at home, they sometimes don’t work as well as we would like. But operating systems like Windows provide us with some interesting functions that will allow us to improve them.

For example, it may happen, something quite common, that we have an unstable Wi-Fi wireless connection that keeps cutting out. However, when we connect our Windows computer to the router via an Ethernet cable, that same connection works exceptionally well.

Make your Windows PC a Wi-Fi repeater

Well, if we find ourselves in this situation, perhaps the most advisable thing is to convert our Windows desktop computer into a Wi-Fi access point. This is something that we can do extremely easily in the Microsoft operating system. To do this, initially all we have to do is access the Settings application, for example through the Win + I key combination.

In the new window that appears on the screen we only have to go to the Network and Internet option. Next, in the left panel, we select the option called Mobile wireless coverage area. What this really does is turn your laptop or desktop computer into a wireless access point. In reality, what we allow is that other devices connect to it and share your Internet connection.

Windows network sharing

It is worth mentioning that initially this is a function that is deactivated and that we will have to activate manually from the described window of the Settings application.

Parameters to configure before sharing the connection

Furthermore, it is important to keep in mind that from here we have to make a series of configurations in order to protect all of this. It is significant to know that with this function activated what we are doing is sharing the connection that reaches our equipment with other devices that are in the area. Hence, it is important to protect said connectivity in order to avoid misuse of the entire set.

configure access point

For what we are telling you, all we have to do is click on the button that says Edit in this same window of the Settings application. At that moment we will have the opportunity to establish a name for the device with which we are going to share the connection, and include a password. Obviously, this password will be requested for all those devices that want to connect to ours that is acting as an access point at that moment.

It is also important to know that, just as happens when we share our connection from the mobile phone, we can do it through two connection interfaces. Everything will depend on our needs or the circumstances in which our team finds themselves at that moment.

Basically, what we mean is that we will have the opportunity to turn our Windows computer into an access point through Wi-Fi connectivity or using Bluetooth.

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