The deadline to present the 2023 Income by telephone begins: prior appointment and deadlines to take into account


Although it has been a month since the income tax return can be submitted electronically, we have had to wait until tomorrow if we chose to file it by telephone. We tell you everything you should take into account.

The Tax agency makes available to Spanish taxpayers the possibility of submitting their income tax return by telephone from tomorrow, May 7th. In order to make use of this service, it is important that we take into account that it will be necessary to use the appointment system to be able to arrange a call with a specialized agent who will help us throughout the procedure and that we have a specific deadline to be able to present it. on time.

person with a cell phone

Appointment necessary

In order to avoid the collapse of the lines and provide a good service to all interested parties, in order to be able to file the income tax return by telephone it is necessary that, previously, We have made an appointment. The appointment system has been open since April 29 and will remain open until June 28 through these means:

  • In it Tax Agency linkafter identifying ourselves with NIF/NIE, with Cl@ve, reference, electronic DNI or electronic certificate.
  • Through the “Tax Agency” app
  • By calling the automatic telephone number: 91 535 73 26 or 901 12 12 24.
  • By phone call to 91 553 00 71 or 901 22 33 44. Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

What to do after

Once we have the prior appointment, What is the next step? The tax agency will begin calling starting tomorrow, always respecting the stipulated appointment schedule. To avoid falling into scams, we also know which two numbers the Tax Agency calls from. In the event that the number is national, the number from which they will contact us will be 810 520 052. If we have provided a foreign telephone number, the number will be 917276222.

In addition, and following the instructions of the Treasury, we must also remember which documents we must have prepared before receiving the call:

In order to receive personalized attention, it is essential that the person or persons in charge be present, since the call will be recorded. Furthermore, if we have registered in the Cl@ve system, we must have the mobile phone with which we communicated at registration on hand, to receive the code that they will send us.

Regarding documentation, we must have the original ID of the appointment holder and the photocopy of all the DNI that appears in the declaration. Furthermore, we also have to have the IBAN number of the bank account with which we are going to make the payment or receive the return. As well as the cadastral references of all the properties we own or where we rent or in other circumstances. Finally, we also have to have any supporting documentation that may give the right to regional deductions or any other tax benefit.

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