The most paid accounts right now


Interest-bearing accounts have become an increasingly popular solution for many savers who are looking to make a profit on their savings without having to take any kind of risk. However, given the variety of options that we can currently find on the market, identifying the best option is not always easy. We will tell you which are the best options that we can take out this month.

Over the past few months, the paid accounts They have become established as an increasingly popular alternative for small savers. With this product, we can obtain a profit on the money we have saved in our account. With the added advantage that our money will always be available, unlike other investment products.

Aware of the interest they have been attracting, we are increasingly seeing more banking entities that have added this formula to their portfolio of products and services. In this article, we select the remunerated accounts that pay the most for your money at this time.

Vamos account, from Ibercaja

Ibercaja has one of the best paid accounts of the market. In this case, the interest that we can access varies from the first to the second year. However, in both cases it is very attractive if we meet a series of conditions. The Ibercaja Vamos Account offers us during the first year a APR of 5.09%. While the second year is 3.03%. In both cases, this remuneration only affects the first 10,000 euros. So if we have more saved, we should combine it with a second account.

Image of the Ibercaja remunerated account

The example we find on their own website is considering a balance of €10,000 as long as we comply with all the requirements. The gross liquidation would be 120 euros each quarter. For the second year, this amount would drop to 75 gross euros. In both cases, we would have to domiciliate our payroll or pension for a minimum amount of 600 euros, in addition to making six payments per semester and making the same transactions every six months.

Click here to access all the information.

Payroll Account, from Bankinter

The Bankinter Payroll Account is another option that we should consider. In this case, the interest rate also varies from the first to the second year. During the first 12 months after signing up, we will receive a remuneration of up to 5% APR. This amount will drop to 2% during the second year. In both cases, and as with the Ibercaja account, the maximum balance to be remunerated is 10,000 euros.

Image of the bankinter remunerated account

With a balance of €10,000in the first and second semester of the first year we would be receiving 243’62 euros. In the second year, We will receive 98.14€ the third and fourth semesters. We must also meet a series of conditions, such as having a payroll of at least 800 euros per month domiciliated, making three payments per quarter with the card and having three direct debits every three months.

More information about the Payroll Account

Savings Account, from N26.

Thirdly, we find the Savings Account of N26 neobank. In this case, we will be able to enjoy up to 4% of remuneration. Although we must keep in mind that in order to access such a figure, it is necessary that we have a subscription to N26 Metal, whose monthly cost is €16.90. Therefore, we must consider this cost when calculating profitability, since it will not always compensate.

Image of the n26 remunerated account

If we do not want to pay any subscription, the interest is considerably reduced and, perhaps, it is not as attractive. But it is still a good option for all those who are looking to obtain a certain return on their money: it is a 2’26 APR. It remains an alternative to consider when we do not want to take risks.

More information from N26.

EVO Bank Smart Account

EVO Bank has another of the most interesting accounts. In this case, it is the Smart Account Welcome which offers us a 3.05% APR with a maximum balance of 30,000 euros. During the first year, we will be able to obtain up to 903 euros over the 12 months if we maintain a balance of 30,000 euros.

Image of the remunerated account of Evo Banco

In addition, we can schedule through the application that every time our main account exceeds 4,000 euros of balancea free transfer is made to the savings account. In this way, we do not need to remember to do the same and we will always be earning the maximum amount of money possible with our savings.

EVO Bank Smart Account.

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