Google backtracks on one of its most controversial privacy-related measures


We’ve been hearing for some time that Google was planning to remove third-party cookies from its Chrome browser. In fact, it was something they announced as a goal several years ago, but kept putting it off. Last year, they announced that they had started a trial period with about 1% of the browser’s users. What they were looking for was to eliminate third-party cookies and, in this way, preserve privacy. This caused a lot of controversy, especially from websites that rely on these cookies.

Now, after all this process, they have announced that they are abandoning their decision to eliminate third-party cookies in Chrome. Perhaps this is not so surprising, if we take into account the delays and postponements they have been making. However, they have announced that there will be a change for users.

Google ends its plan to eliminate cookies

But what are these cookies? We can say that they are data that the browser stores when we enter web pages. They are used to track visitors and to offer a more personalized experience. For example, if you search for a product, such as a mobile phone, it is likely that related ads will appear later.

They are also useful for website affiliates. For example, you might go to a website, click on a link that refers to it, leave the page, and then come back. Since you’ve already visited the first site before, the cookie is stored and, when you go to the final page where you go to make the purchase, it reflects where your visit came from. A way for websites to earn income.

The thing is that everything related to cookies and, in general, privacy on the Internet, is always at the center of the debate. This has led to certain measures being taken by many platforms in recent years to limit the use of browsing data. Google, for its part, wanted to eliminate these third-party cookies in Chrome, although it has now backed down.

The reason for this reversal by Google is simply that they have recognized that it would affect many websites, advertisers and any company related to online advertising. Sites are not prepared, at least today, for such a radical change.

Cookie theft

Choice by users

Although they have put an end to this initial idea, they have indicated that they are going to start working on a new one. It will be more directed towards users, so that they can choose whether or not they want to enable third-party cookies, as well as whether they want this to take effect on all the sites they visit. They want this to be more accessible, with improved information.

It remains to be seen what will ultimately come of this new feature, whether it will have a significant impact on websites or not, and also how well it will be accepted by users. For the moment, what is certain is that Google’s plans to block all third-party cookies in Chrome are on hold and it does not seem that, at least in the short term, they will resume their plan.

However, as we always say, it is up to users to preserve their privacy when browsing. It is important that you do not make mistakes, that you do not fall into the trap of cybercriminals. Your security begins in the browser itself.

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