The new functionality of Google Chrome is going to change the way we use this browser


As more devices are synchronized under the same Google account, facilitating integration between all of them will allow us to completely redefine our user experience. And the latest Google Chrome update has a lot to say about it.

Before a growing number of devices that are part of our daily lives, providing users with the possibility of working on all of them simultaneously depending on the context, allows us to completely redefine the experience we obtain when we work. In the case of Google Chrome, many of the changes it has been making lately to its browser go precisely in this direction. As long as we have the same account synced on different devices, We will be able to consult the history, passwords and practically any browsing data, regardless of the original device we have used.

However, to do this, we must know exactly the route we must follow to be able to consult, for example, the history. As well as any other type of information. In addition, not all the tabs that we have consulted are always available and it is common for us to lose some information. Now, with the latest update that we hope will be available very soon, this entire process will be considerably simplified and we will have access to all open tabs on any device when opening a new tab.

Cards comes to Google Chrome

This new functionality that we have mentioned will be called “Cards” and has been detected by the user of X, Leopeva64. In the screenshots it has published, Google seems to be developing a new option that allows, when we open a new tab, we will automatically be able to access all the tabs, and the history, that we have consumed on any other device. Whether it is a computer, a tablet or our mobile phone.

image of X about the leak

These cards will always be visible when we open a new tab, so we will not have to consult all of them at once if it is not necessary and we want to postpone the opening until later. In order to enable this new feature, we must access the settings menu. google chrome settings and enable the Cards feature. However, at the time of writing these lines it is not yet available to all users. So we will have to have a little more patience to be able to access one of the functions that will surely allow us to completely redefine the experience we have on Android.

Available soon

Cards will soon be available in our Google Chrome and, to access this new function, we will only have to be attentive to possible new updates that they notify us. Currently, it is only enabled for Google Chrome Canary, the version in which Google carries out all the tests with its community before passing them, in a stable version, to the general browser that most of us use. Normally, everything that appears in Chrome Canary is approximately two versions behind Google Chrome. So we hope it won’t take long to be able to enjoy cards, probably during the first quarter of 2024.

Remember that Google Chrome notifies in the upper right corner, right next to our user profile, when new updates are available. If this is not the case, we can force update If we go to the Help menu of the browser and access “About Google Chrome”. If there is a new version, it will be present there.

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