The super secure password manager and almost impossible to hack, that’s Proton Pass


Proton was born as a company that allowed us to have a private and secure email account. Proton Mail has always been its star service, both in its free version and in its paid versions. Later, it launched other services such as Proton Calendar to save our events and appointments, Proton Drive to have cloud storage with maximum security, and finally, Proton VPN to surf the Internet safely. Now they have introduced Proton Pass, the company’s password manager, which is currently in beta. Do you want to know everything about this new password manager?

The development team has announced the launch of Proton Pass, an advanced password manager that is specifically focused on password security and user privacy. It is currently in beta phase, next week they will start sending invitations to launch this software to Proton Mail, as long as they have chosen us for it. It is expected that first, the users who pay for the service will be prioritized, to later distribute invitations to the users of the free plans.

Why are they launching a password manager?

In the year 2022, the Proton company joined forces with SimpleLogin to improve the hidden email service, that is, to launch the functionality of creating email “aliases” so that our main email account is not affected by leaks. Another goal for the Proton team was to make logins increasingly secure, more private, and easier. The merger of both organizations has resulted in the development of the Proton Pass password manager.

If an attacker is able to obtain a password, either because we store it in the browser’s key manager, or in an external password manager, they will be able to bypass all of Proton Mail’s advanced encryption and security measures, thus The company’s efforts to improve privacy and security will have been for nothing. Protecting passwords correctly is critical, and requires a high level of proficiency with encryption and security that not all organizations have.

Proton has always been concerned about the risk represented by a poorly kept password, since they could access all the company’s services without much problem, and without them being able to do anything to fix it.

Password Stopping Problems

The reason for launching this password manager now is that by joining SimpleLogin they have increased the ability to develop a password manager without affecting the ongoing development of the other products, also another reason is that the password it is so important and confidential, that users would not be safe if they use password managers with vulnerabilities or that are not secure enough, therefore, it would also affect their own users.

Proton Pass security

Proton Pass has been designed with the aim of providing end-to-end encryption to protect our login credentials, thus, it will be much more than just a password manager. In the coming weeks and months, the full potential of this new service will be seen, and it is also expected that it will be available to all users by the end of this year, 2023.

This new service is not just another password manager, it is one that has been created by a company dedicated to encryption and security, for example, many managers only encrypt the password field, however, this new service encrypts absolutely everything ( username, password, web address and any other data we can put in. Encrypting the entire data field is very important, because with this unencrypted information, a fairly detailed profile could be created about us. For example, an attacker could see that we have passwords for social networks, web pages and, in short, they would know a lot about us and our use of the Internet.

Proton Pass uses a strong encryption implementation, using the bcrypt hashing algorithm for the highest possible security, other key managers have used weak PBKDF2 implementations, making them vulnerable. A reinforced authentication system with Secure Remote Password has also been incorporated. Of course, we will have fully integrated 2FA two-factor authentication, perfect for strong authentication. Also, all source code will be open and auditable by anyone.

In the beta phase we will have applications for iOS, Android and PC, in addition, we have extensions for the Brave and Chrome browsers, and soon Firefox will also be there. We recommend you visit our list of the best password managers, until Proton Pass arrives for everyone.

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