The Young Rental Bonus aid is about to fall: 250 euros per month with these requirements


The issue of housing, whether renting or buying, is something that is increasingly delicate due to the general high prices that exist right now. Hence, all help is little and many are grateful for the Young Rental Bonus that is about to be launched.

Over the last few years, both the central and regional governments have launched some aid in the form of benefits for everything related to renting housing. This is precisely where the so-called Young Rental Bonus comes into play, which may be more than familiar to many of you.

It is a service that has been carried out in previous years and is now about to be launched again. The main attraction that this help offers us is that we will receive a total of 250 euros for the rent if we meet a series of prerequisites. We tell you all this because, although the initiative has been underway for some time, this week the Ministry of Housing is going to meet with the different Autonomous Communities in order to address the future of this new call.

In reality, the purpose of the meeting that we mention is to increase the budgets designated for this Bonus. Otherwise, aid will be limited to a few citizens and many will be left out despite meeting the requirements. Likewise, an increase in collaboration will be requested from the aforementioned Autonomous Communities in order to reach as many young people as possible.

We can affirm that if all goes well, we are on the verge of launching the new call for aid for this year’s Young Rental Bonus.

Requirements to access the Young Rental Bonus

As we told you before, in order to be entitled to these 250 euros of aid belonging to the Young Rental Bonus, we must first meet a series of requirements. The first thing to keep in mind is that we must be in the age range between 18 and 35 years old. At the same time, and as it could not be otherwise, we will have to prove that we have work at that moment with a valid contract.

young rental website

And not only that, since to be able to receive this rental benefit, annual income must not exceed approximately 24,000 euros per year. Something that we must also take into consideration is that in reality the aid we are referring to totals 6,000 euros. These are distributed into 250 per month during the 2-year duration of the benefit as such. We have the possibility of staying informed and receiving more information through this link of the Ministry of Housing.

On the other hand, we must keep in mind that this mentioned benefit for young people is compatible with the State Housing Plan if we are benefiting from it at the moment. From there we only have to pay attention to see if it is implemented and request it as soon as possible once accepted.

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