These are the main improvements of GPT-5, the OpenAI AI that will be more human

These are the main improvements of GPT-5, the OpenAI AI that will be more human

The Artificial Intelligence market has become a priority for many companies over other projects. It is a rapidly growing technological sector that is expected to shape the future of millions of users in the near future.

That is why many technology companies are currently working on their own AI projects to make a name for themselves in this world. One of the most representative and the one that offers us the most well-known chatbot to date, ChatGPT, is OpenAI.

The company is currently presenting several advanced language models that other technology companies use in their own projects and platforms. However, despite the improvements that these models present, almost all of them are awaiting the launch of the new GPT-5. Everything indicates that, after this launch, the types of use and operation of AI will take a very important step forward.

The problem is that, despite the hype, OpenAI does not seem to be willing to give us an exact date for its launch. In fact, it seems that it is delaying its arrival for various reasons. But we must bear in mind that according to its CEO, Sam Altman, this new model will be a significant leap forward from GPT-4. At the moment, the company is working on overcoming many of its limitations and errors.

We must bear in mind that when speculation about the benefits of GPT-5 began, its launch was pointed towards this summer of 2024. But as you can imagine, this was finally delayed. Altman now tells us that there is still a lot of work to be done for its development and launch.

This is what OpenAI’s GPT-5 will look like when it launches

However, as its CEO and top manager tells us, its arrival will mean an extraordinary technological advance in everything related to Artificial Intelligence. One of the main objectives of this new model is to be more human than any other. In fact, the company wants to radically change the way we interact with technology.

One of the main novelties is that it will offer us many more AI tools than those we currently have with the models available today. Nevertheless, Altman now wanted to highlight two important characteristics that will largely define the GPT-5 model.

chatgpt user interface

On the one hand, he made special mention of the improvements focused on reasoning and reliability that will be made available to everyone. Its main objective will be to overcome all kinds of problems and errors that we find in current models and, as we said, to appear more human.

Secondly, he wanted to highlight the multimodal improvements that GPT-5 will have once it is launched. In this way, companies will be able to develop much more intelligent applications capable of working with more complex data. Of course, all of this will go beyond simple text processing.

These new apps are expected to be able to work with user requests that combine automatically generated text, images and videos. As for their official launch date, the talk is now of late 2024 or early 2025. We’ll see if the delays in their launch continue.

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