In the same way that when you go to sales, you are careful to put away your wallet and your credit card between purchases, or you pay attention to what the clerk serving you does with your card. When you buy online, it is also advisable to be careful with your digital card, so that you do not get scammed, at least easily. If you don’t know what digital pickpockets are, and you want to shop online in peace during your next sales, stay in this article with the best tips for doing so.
When confirming a shopping cart in an online store, how do you know that the card details you give are secure? Beyond being a trustworthy store or brand, there is the option that someone is spying. When you buy something in real life, you make sure that no one is physically snooping on your card numbers, or that no one is stealing anything from you. In this article, you will learn how to do the same when shopping online. Discover what digital pickpockets are and how to be safe with your online purchases.
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Buying online is convenient, fast and just a click away, but it also has some risks. For those data that you share when you shop online, “digital pickpockets” are always on the lookout, waiting for any oversight to steal your information. Therefore, it is important that you follow these tips so that your purchases are safe.
- Protect your information against phishing: In these types of attacks, cybercriminals try to trick you into sharing your personal data. If you receive emails with offers that are too good to be true or from senders you don’t know, avoid clicking on the links. It is better to go directly to the official website of the business. Beware of suspicious emails.
- Use incognito mode in your browser: It can be a good way to prevent your purchasing habits from being stored. This not only gives you more privacy, but also helps you avoid being tracked with personalized ads while you browse. If you don’t like being tracked digitally when you browse, this option is ideal.
- Install an ad blocker: The ads that pop up while you’re browsing are not only annoying, they can also hide dangerous links that take you to fraudulent pages. An ad blocker like uBlock Origin or Ghostery will help you block those malicious ads and improve your security while browsing and shopping.
- Don’t use the same account for everything: Many sites allow you to log in using your Google or Facebook account, which is convenient, but can be dangerous. If one day any of those accounts are hacked, all the stores where you used them will be exposed. It is best to create separate accounts in each store and prevent your data from being so exposed.
- Do not save your card details: When you make a purchase, many websites offer you to save your card details for future transactions. Although it seems practical, it is safer not to do it. If you don’t save your data, hackers will have nothing to steal in case the website is attacked.
- Use temporary card numbers: Some financial institutions allow you to generate temporary card numbers to make online purchases. These numbers expire after a single use, meaning that even if someone gets them, they won’t be able to use them again. It is an excellent option to add an extra layer of security.
- Use credit cards, not debit cards: Credit cards offer greater protection against fraud compared to debit cards. If a problem arises, it’s easier to dispute charges with a credit card and prevent your accounts from being emptied.
- Be careful with links on social networks: Do not trust the messages you receive on social networks with incredible offers. It’s common for scammers to set up fake stores and send direct messages to try to steal your information. It is always better to buy from official stores or stores recommended by trusted people.
- Update software and browser: Keeping your browser and software up-to-date is crucial to protecting yourself from online threats. Many updates include security patches that fix vulnerabilities that hackers could exploit.
With these simple steps, you can avoid being a victim of digital pickpockets and enjoy your online shopping without worries. Online security is not something we should leave aside, and although it may seem overwhelming, small changes in your habits can make a difference.