We could say that practically since its launch, Microsoft has bet heavily on Windows 11. This means that it has made every possible attempt so that the majority of us migrate from Windows 10 to the new version of the system as soon as possible. But not all the strategies it has used have been liked by users.
For example, over the last few years we have come across various advertising campaigns trying to sell us the advantages of the new version. However, at this point, Windows 10 continues to be the most used operating system for desktop computers, unfortunately for Microsoft itself. And we are on the verge of the end of official support for this version of the software, but it is still the one preferred by the majority.
We tell you all this because at this moment the software giant has just launched a forceful campaign with this same purpose. Specifically, we are referring to a full-screen advertisement that appears for Windows 10 users trying to convince them to migrate to Windows 11. First of all, we must take into consideration that we are dealing with an operating system for which we have paid. This means that it should be free of advertising, hence Microsoft itself calls these pop-ups notifications instead of advertisements.
In this way it aims to mask the awareness campaign that causes so much rejection among the majority of users. But the worst of all is no longer the announcement itself, but the negative consequences it is having on the operating system itself.
This is the disastrous Windows 11 announcement
We tell you all this because one of the most striking sections of this new advertising campaign to promote the most current version of Windows is that it blocks the operation of the old version. Basically with these we mean that it is being detected that the full screen appearance of this new ad blocks the operation of Windows 10.
At this time, many users are reporting this type of errors that occur after the advice to update to the new version was issued. Therefore, we could say that not only does it interrupt work in Windows 10, but it does not allow us to continue with it. At the moment, the real reason why this error occurs on computers when the new advertising campaign is launched is unknown.
As many users who have become victims inform us, to solve the failure they are forced to restart their computers. Of course, this is not the best way or tactic for Microsoft to convince the majority to install Windows 11. The software giant should rethink these types of campaigns that cause more rejection than anything else among its hundreds of millions of customers. All this despite the fact that Windows 10 only has a few months of useful life left. Next October you will stop receiving updates, at least for free.