As good as your PC is, unfortunately there may come a time when your computer starts to slow down than before. Here not only the software of the equipment comes into play, but also the hardware is essential. For this reason, there will be no choice but to update some of its parts if you do not want to buy a new PC from scratch.
There are tips and tricks that can be used to improve the power of the PC somewhat at the software level. Although the truth is that when the time comes, it will be time to renew the hardware of the computer if you do not want it to work so badly for you, especially if you do not want to spend a fortune on a new computer.
In this case, there are different key pieces that you can change in your equipment if you want to improve performance. So it’s time to know what are the elements that you can replace to give another extra life to your team.
Try adding more RAM
One of the first options you can try is basically adding more RAM to your PC. With the simple fact of having more short-term memory, it will allow the computer to use more programs at the same time. If, for example, in your case you had 4 or 6 GB of RAM, you will notice a huge jump when installing 8 or 16 GB of this memory.
The ideal today is to have a PC with 16 GB of RAM so that the operation is as fluid as possible at all times. And if in your case you work with video rendering, design or 3D modeling, the truth is that you might need 32 GB. On the other hand, to play on the computer, having 16 GB of RAM is more than enough.
Change the graphics and processor
If you have noticed that the games do not perform as well as before, or the computer has a harder time editing video, changing the graphics will help a lot. As much as we have a modern graphics, video games could work badly. In any case, renewing the graphics card will be necessary if the programs or video games that you normally use make use of the GPU.
On the other hand, you may also be interested in upgrading the PC’s CPU or processor. In this case, you will improve the overall performance of the computer by adding a processor that is faster, with more cache and cores. Although, here the problem is that we will have to change the motherboard.
In addition, it is not necessary to go to the last generation of CPU, only an improved version that allows you to improve performance. In this way, you can once again have a computer that will last you a few more years without having to make a large investment in a new PC.
Put an SSD disk
Changing your mechanical hard drive HDD to an SSD can easily give your computer another life. With this you can get it to boot much faster than before. If in your case you did not have a solid state drive, then it is time to buy this element that can be key to stop going so slow. In this way you will make it work again as well as before, or at least get it close to that performance.