This is the reason why you have run out of line with O2 and have not yet regularized the bill


O2, as well as the rest of our country’s operators, are obliged to compensate their customers when they have an interruption that affects the normality of their service. That is, when we cannot use our line. However, you can find that you are suffering a breakdown at this time and, while it remains active, the invoice is broadcast normally. What is the reason behind this situation?

Users who have hired some line or service with O2 have the right to, in the event that a temporary service interruption telephone or internet, receive a Economic compensation for said incidence. In addition, it is not necessary that we have to carry out any procedure to receive such regularization in our invoice, but that the company performs the calculation automatically.

If you have encountered the unpleasant situation that your mobile line or your Internet connection does not work and the incidence has not yet been solved, but the invoice has been issued correctly, without the breakdown being duly reflected, it is likely that it is likely to It generates some confusion, especially if you were due that the blue operator was going to proceed with the return of the part of the Invoice amount immediately later. The operation is not exactly like that, as a user has informed through X, and there is a reason for it.

The incidence must be resolved before processing compensation

The blue operator has explained in X that the invoices are regulated once the incidence has been resolved, so if it is still active at the time the billing cycle closes, it is normal that we do not see any reference to the interruption of the service we are suffering. And, therefore, there will also be any compensation or regularization of the service.

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O2 Spain


@Maytealba_ With respect to the invoice, you will be regularized at the time we have the incidence resolved because the days will have to be counted without services from its beginning to its restoration.

January 24, 2025 • 21:31



The reason that O2 acts in this way, obeys that they must be counted Total days of the incidence so that the corresponding calculation can be carried out. In the event that the subscription was made early, we would not be receiving the entire amount that corresponds to the days in which we have been able to enjoy a service that we are paying.

How much corresponds to me

Once the calculation made by O2 has been clear to manage the incidents, the next step is to know what is the amount that corresponds to us in the event that we suffer some kind of interruption of our service.

For temporary interruptions of telephone service, O2 is obliged to compensate us with an amount that will be determined based on the time that was interrupted and the average consumption of the three months prior to the interruption. In the event that the amount is superior to one euro, Compensation is automatically issued on the next invoice once the service has been restored.

If the interruption affects Internet service, The calculation is carried out by proof the monthly fee for the time that the line has been interrupted. The amount, in this case, is also automatically discounted on the following invoice. So, and as we have already anticipated, we will not have to make any request once the service returns to normal.

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