This trick will help you control spending and save on your electricity bill


Having control of how much electricity you consume per month is important if your goal is to save. It is key to know how much a specific device can use, at what times of the day you consume the most and thus take measures to try to save. In this article we are going to talk to you about what you can do to control electricity consumption. We are going to give you some basic guidelines that you can take into account in your daily life and thus be able to pay less each month.

It is clear that not all the devices you use at home are going to consume the same amount. Therefore, it is essential to control especially those that need more resources to function. Some clear examples are the oven or the dishwasher. You use them occasionally and sometimes you could make adjustments to spend less.

Control light consumption by hour

Our advice is to analyze your electricity consumption by hour. You can look at a specific day and see how much you have spent at a certain time of the day. For example, you can do it when you put the dishwasher on or when you turn on the oven to cook. These are situations in which energy consumption may increase.

What do you get with this? You will know how much you are spending in those moments when you are using certain devices with higher consumption. When you put on the dishwasher, the washing machine, the oven… You can analyze how energy consumption has increased during those hours or even days in which you use several of these appliances.

This can help you know how much you consume each time you run the dishwasher, for example, but it is also good to try different modes and compare the possible savings. For example, if you see that one day the washing machine uses a certain amount and the next time you try the Eco mode and it uses much less, you can now get an idea of ​​that savings and have greater control.

Install the company app

Our advice is that you install the application of the electricity company that you have contracted and thus be able to see all these analyses. You will be able to see the consumption per day and per hour. You will be able to calculate how much you can spend at any given time, based on the difference compared to the previous day, without having the dishwasher on or anything else.

Now, sometimes this information takes a few days to arrive. What you can do is install the application or use the distributor’s website. This is regardless of which company you have contracted. You could have Endesa or Iberdrola as a distributor, for example. In this case, you will even be able to see the consumption in real time.

With all this, you will have greater control over electricity consumption. It will help you make decisions to know if it is better for you to put a device at cheaper times, in case you have a tariff with time discrimination, as well as adjust the different modes and have greater energy savings.

In short, checking how much you have spent per hour can be very interesting to pay less on your electricity bill. If you use home automation, you can also have greater control. Of course, make sure to improve the Wi-Fi network.


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