This you have to do in your windows to save when using heating


In order to save money on the electricity or gas bill, something fundamental that you must take into account is maintaining the temperature. There the windows play a fundamental role. In this article we are going to explain what you should take into account to save when using the heating thanks to the windows. You will see that small changes they make can be very useful towards the goal of paying less.

What to do with windows to save on heating

Undoubtedly, heating can represent a very important part of the consumption of gas and light. What you should avoid is that the house loses temperature quickly once you turn it off. That will help you save. The windows are precisely one of the culprits that cause the house to cool down quickly, so it is important to take into account some tips in this regard.

Use double window

An interesting option is to use a double-glazed window. This will reduce the cold that enters from outside (and also the heat in summer) by having double protection. You can choose to put two windows or a window that has double glass. In both cases you will be able to maintain the temperature better.

Today modern buildings usually already have double glazing. For energy efficiency it is the best, even if the initial investment is higher.

Beware of blind boxes

You should also look very well that the blind boxes do not have Greek, or openings that can allow the entry of air. This is something that can happen on many occasions and you may have a weak point there that will cause you to consume more when you turn on the heating and not maintain the temperature well.

On cold days, something you can do is put a candle by the window. This helps you detect possible cracks that may exist and thus close them so as not to consume more than necessary.

Use rubber to seal the windows

Perhaps you do not have a double window and you see that air enters there. What you can do is place rubber bands to seal the window and prevent air from entering. It is cheap and very easy to install. You can put it on the sides, but also on the top and bottom of the window to cover it.

You can see some rubber options to seal the windows:

Pull down the blind at night

Another tip, very easy to apply, is to lower the blind at night. When you turn off the heating to sleep, you don’t need the house to maintain 19-21 degrees, but it can drop something. But the idea is that the temperature does not collapse and thus be able to save money the next day by heating it again.

To maintain the temperature, something very useful is to lower the blinds. This will prevent the house from cooling down and increase the time with a good temperature.

In short, by following these tips you will be able to better control the temperature at home. You can always also help yourself with home automation. Just as you can detect motion over Wi-Fi, you can connect sensors to detect an open window or discover any issues that may be causing unnecessary energy waste.

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