Thunderbird Appointment, the perfect complement to your favorite email client


When it comes to managing our email, we have several clients to which we can add our personal or professional accounts. For many years, one of the most used programs of this type is Thunderbird.

From here we have the possibility of controlling how to use all our email accounts in the best way thanks to the functions integrated into the client. It is a software that has been with us for many years and has not stopped gaining followers in everything. It is important to keep in mind that this is an open source project for which we will not have to pay a single euro for its use.

Well, we tell you all this because right now the development team behind this powerful email client that we are telling you about has just presented its latest project. And in parallel they have been working on the project called Thunderbird Appointment. Likewise, it is an open source development that we will tell you about below.

To give you a rough idea, we’re actually talking about an online service designed to help everyone schedule meetings and make appointments. Obviously, this is something that extends to both our personal and professional lives. However, at this time we must keep in mind that the project is now in the testing phase, in short, it is a prototype.

This is the second project from the Thunderbird team that is not directly linked to the well-known email client that we mentioned before. Due to its office nature focused on meetings and appointments, it could be considered an excellent complement to any email client.

How Thunderbird Appointment will help us

At first it is worth knowing that we have the possibility of taking a look at the source code of the project that is currently in full development, from its official GitHub page. This is something that we can do directly from this link.

Thunderbird Appointment interface

Furthermore, its developers have already published some of the main features and advantages that this application will offer in the future.

Here we highlight some of the most interesting features that we will find after its launch:

  • Plan events with multiple ways to organize and set up personal and professional meetings.
  • Establish availability to choose how people can reserve part of our time.
  • Features to share with others, allowing us to send personalized links by email to our contacts.
  • Synchronize your calendar and check all your meetings from a single interface.
  • Book one-off or recurring events, plus invite others to join.

In addition, at this point it is very important to keep in mind that Thunderbird Appointment users will have the possibility of linking third-party calendars. Here we find proposals as used and well-known as those of Google, Apple or Microsoft.

Despite the functions that we can carry out and that have already been made public, many details of this new project are still unknown. And what there is no doubt is that it could become an excellent complement to our email, whether we use Thunderbird or any other. We can follow its development from its official Web.

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