Two servings of avocado a week reduce cardiovascular risk

Including in the weekly diet the equivalent of an avocado, a fruit rich in fiber and oleic acid, could help reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular or coronary disease by 16%, according to a study that has lasted 30 years.

Avocados are still in fashion, and in addition to being versatile, colorful and rich, they also have a large number of beneficial effects for health. One of those that was already suspected in previous clinical trials seems to be confirmed, and that is that taking two or more servings of this fruit a week could reduce the risk of cardiovascular and coronary disease, as the American Heart Association has just announced in its magazine. Journal of the American Heart Association.

This investigation is one of the longest in this regard that has been carried out to date, as it has been carried out for more than 30 years. However, as we said, its effects on cardiovascular health are not new, since previous studies had already highlighted this protective role on risk factors such as cholesterol, which is attributed to its content of fiber and unsaturated fats (such as oleic acid).

In the current work, the data of 110,480 people between 30 and 75 years of age have been taken into account, of whom 9,185 had some coronary disease and 5,290 some cerebrovascular accident. To find out what effects avocado consumption had on the participants, the researchers looked at their cardiovascular risk and their diets.

Avocado, alternative to other worse fat sources

The conclusions reached by the authors after three decades of follow-up indicated that taking half an avocado twice a week – or what is the same, an avocado weekly – could reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases by up to 16%, in comparison with those who did not consume this fruit in their diets. However, they found no significant difference in the risk of stroke.

A serving of avocado has the same health effects as the equivalent amount in olive oil or nuts

“There are potential biological mechanisms by which avocados exert their cardioprotective benefits. The main monounsaturated fatty acid found in avocados is oleic acid, a healthy fat that we believe helps reduce high blood pressure, inflammation, and insulin sensitivity. In addition, avocados contain plant sterols and soluble fiber, which could lead to lower levels of bad cholesterol”, explains Lorena Pacheco, director of the research.

The study also found using statistical models that substituting half a daily serving of butter, margarine, yogurt, eggs, processed meats or cheese for the same amount but avocado reduced the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by between 16% and 22%. In addition, they found that replacing the serving of avocado with the equivalent amount in other sources of healthy fats such as olive oil or nuts had the same effects on cardiovascular health.

However, the form in which the avocado is consumed also matters. “There are people who consume avocado in the form of guacamole. In those cases, there is a tendency to take too much, usually in combination with other fatty foods such as chips since they provide too many calories, “explains Pacheco, therefore the idea presented by the author is that avocados be included as alternatives to other sources. worse fat, like bacon or butter.


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