What is the importance of safety, informative and prevention signs at work?


The signage corresponds to a visual communication system, which through symbols or signs, and in the case of occupational safety, aims to indicate risk situations quickly Although it may not seem like it, occupational safety signs are a determining factor in preventing tragedies.

Not having indications in the form of signs in the work zone deprives the worker of basic safety information. In the following article we will talk about the professions that most require this type of signage, which prevent tragedies in the workplace, organizing, guiding and guiding a person in their work environment.

What professions require more of this type of signage?

Although all work areas have basic safety signs, there are some professions that have more and for good reason. An office worker cannot have the same safety signs as a worker on a construction site. This is just one example of which we will mention.

They require them because they are prone to accidents in the field of work, such as falls, electrical hazards, entrapment, etc. Here are professions that require more of this type of visual communication.

construction site worker

The work environment of those who work on a construction site is full of occupational risks, such as falling with debris, projection of particles released by some construction materials, overexertion that leads to long-term problems, electrical risk due to the fact that they are electrical circuits open, a constant risk.

worker working on a construction

Through meetings where good human resources policies must proceed, determining signals can be coordinated to avoid tragedies, this together with a suitable team for the job of course.

Truck driver

Being a truck driver is a high-risk profession, with long and risky working hours, which have immediate consequences such as a traffic accident on the roads, or in the long term, such as the deterioration of spending so many hours behind the wheel without sleeping well.

In this type of work there is a regulation on the conditions in which one must drive, beyond that, there are only the signs that are on the roads, such as the preventive ones that warn about dangers on the road, and the restrictive ones that indicate the existence of physical limitations on the road or traffic prohibitions.


The lumber industry has several elements that can make it a dangerous environment for those who work in it, in addition to being extremely necessary to avoid any accident because, in general, lumberjacks are far from medical help, making it difficult to attend to a tragedy in time

Some of the multiple incidents in this profession can be, amputations due to lack of protection in the cutting parts of the machines, electrical risk due to temporary electrical machinery, falls of the same or different level, etc. Being temporary work areas, there is no space for signs, which could help prevent these accidents.

lumberjack ax on wood

How do signs help prevent accidents at work?

After having seen the jobs that most require safety signs, we can see an overview, seeing that if there were safety signs, with correct use a percentage of these accidents would be avoided. Providing information on behaviors that may be dangerous or on preventive measures to take, making sure that when recruiting workers for these professions, they know that they are not in so much danger because they have an environment with warning signs.

In turn, these types of measures correspond to human resources, which help to comply with worker protection and is important for their development. Information on safety signage can be obtained on the website of the Trade Union Institute for Work, Environment and Health in Spain, which discusses its importance.

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