WhatsApp status updates will offer a substantial change with new features


Since its inception, WhatsApp has been the messaging app with the largest number of active users and it has set out to keep up its momentum with the appearance of new features. Various improvements have already been introduced in many of its sections, such as separating unread chats or showing only groups, or also improvements in the security encryption of all our conversations. But this time, the company is putting more effort into increasing interaction with status updates.

There is no doubt that WhatsApp is one of the most downloaded tools worldwide right now. In fact, there are already more than 2 billion operating accounts and the number continues to increase. It has practically no competition and has a free hand to allow itself to launch updates from time to time. And perhaps this type of actions is what the Meta app is most criticized for.

Despite this, its developers have in mind numerous projects that can be tested by all users who are registered in the platform’s beta program, which have to do with new functions that are added to the status updates, and are currently ready to be launched in several beta versions for Android. What do all these new features consist of?

Status Update Mentions

Status updates have become a fundamental part of WhatsApp, as they have even been given an exclusive tab so that they can be accessed much more quickly. In them we can see recent posts and stories from all the contacts we have added to our address book and also upload our own.

The messaging company wanted to show the public a feature that allows to improve the user experience and consists of mentioning one of our contacts so that they can be notified through a notification within the chat. This update is part of the beta version of WhatsApp for Android and can be used by members of this testing program.

WhatsApp status updates

Please note that these types of mentions are private, as WhatsApp is not considered a social network, as Instagram or Facebook are. This way, other users cannot see who has been mentioned in the post, thus ensuring that the communication is confidential. This option will be available before publishing the status, in order to have the convenience of selecting the loved ones you want to mention.

New button to re-share your statuses

Another element that will appear in future patches has to do with the action of sharing status updates in which you have been mentioned. Whenever you want, you can show other contacts what your friend has shared with you and have them participate in that publication. This new feature is only available for the beta version of WhatsApp for Android, which means that only those who benefit from the testing program can use it.

It’s not yet clear where the icon to tap to share that status update will be, but beta testers have spotted a new button called “Reshare status” that will be located on the post you’ve been named for.

WhatsApp status updates

Either way, both of these features are still being developed, so there is still no concrete date for their official launch. Let’s hope it’s sooner than expected so we can start getting the most out of them.

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