I have made a Bizum by mistake, can I cancel it?


Bizum has become an essential tool for everyone practically from the moment it started to work. It is a very simple way to send money or pay, in addition to being immediate and with a good level of security. Operating with it is so simple that with just a couple of steps we will be sending sums of money to other people. This simplicity can play against us, as it makes it easier to make a mistake too. If this is your case, we will tell you what you can do to correct it.

Doing a Bizum only requires that we select a contact from our address book (or that we manually enter a phone number), select the amount, enter a concept and little else. If you have made a mistake in the amount or in the contact, you may have a problem.

Can I cancel a Bizum made by mistake?

The answer to the question at the head of this article is very simple: if you have made a Bizum by mistake, you cannot cancel it. At the moment in which the process of making one of these operations is finished, the amount that we have placed will go from our account to the recipient’s account. Entering our Bizum password (or our digital signature, depending on our bank) and clicking on send is an irreversible process.

In this scenario, only two different courses of action are open to us. The first is the most logical, and it is none other than contacting the recipient to get the money back. If this does not work (which can happen), all you have left is to contact your bank to see what solution they can give you.

Another situation that we can find is the receipt of a payment request from a contact. Bizum allows us to send requests to remind our friends or relatives that they owe us money. As with Bizum, it may happen that we receive a payment request by mistake for an amount that does not correspond to what we owe, or directly because the other person has made a mistake. In this case, we do have the option of rejecting this request, and for this we will have a period of 7 days from receipt of it.

Finally, it can also happen that we are the ones who receive a Bizum by mistake. In these cases, we obviously recommend that you do not keep money that is not yours, so you should go to your bank. This will be able to tell you the person who sent you the money, or you can directly choose to resend the money back.

Do this to prevent it from happening again

Sending a Bizum by mistake (regardless of whether it is in the amount or in the recipient) can be quite a nuisance. As we have said above, sending a Bizum by mistake cannot be reversed, so you must be very careful when sending them. One of the things you can do to avoid errors is to perform operations only with the contacts in your address book. In a moment of hurry you can confuse a 5 with a 6 and be sending money to another person, so you should put the contact in your agenda beforehand.

The other thing you can do for this is a bit of logic: check very well before proceeding to make the Bizum. Regardless of the bank that provides you with this service, just before doing the Bizum you will see a summary screen of it. On this screen you will be able to see both the recipient and the amount and concept, so it is advisable to check this screen more than once to avoid making mistakes.

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