Home Cars & Motorcycles Cars These are the five supermarkets with the cheapest gasoline in Spain

These are the five supermarkets with the cheapest gasoline in Spain


A recent report by the consumer organization OCU states that filling the tank at service stations associated with large chains is up to 10% cheaper. The truth is that the norm is not always strictly adhered to, but it is usually cheaper.

Since mid-August, the price of diesel and gasoline has increased again. Diesel has outperformed gasoline on several occasions and this has meant that even by zealously complying with the advice to save fuel when they return from vacation, many drivers see how their bill skyrockets. For this reason, we now review which are the five supermarkets with the cheapest gasoline in Spain.

1. BonÀrea

The BonÀrea supermarket chain is present in Catalonia, Aragon and the Valencian Community. Today, its gas station network has a total of 60 stations in service (you can locate them at this link).

Those in BonÀrea usually lead the rankings of the cheapest service stations. From the supermarket network they assure that if they have low prices it is for three reasons: they work with very tight margins, they sell large amounts of fuel and they reduce costs by operating with self-service stations.

These are the average prices of BonÀrea gas stations for today, September 2 (they do not include the 20 cents per liter of official discount fuel):

Fuel type Half price
Unleaded gasoline 95 1,591 euros/liter
Unleaded gasoline 98 1,755 euros/liter
Diesel A 1,785 euros/liter
Diesel A+ Not available

2. Camp

Alcampo has around twenty service stations throughout Spain.

The average price for its network of service stations, depending on the fuel chosen, is reflected in the following table:

Fuel type Half price
Unleaded gasoline 95 1,671 euros/liter
Unleaded gasoline 98 1,821 euros/liter
Diesel A 1,805 euros/liter
Diesel A+ 1,853 euros/liter

Alcampo has a payment system associated with registration that is managed through the Automatric application.

3. Carrefour

Carrefour has a total of 145 service stations in 16 autonomous communities.

Refueling at their gas stations can be quite cheap, yes, you have to activate all the cards and/or take advantage of all the available promotions.

The supermarket chain announces a discount of 0.20 cents per liter of fuel (the Government’s 0.20 cents) to which 8% of the amount refueled can be added. However, this last benefit is not subtracted from the invoice, but rather becomes a savings check that the driver can use to purchase food, drugstores, textiles… in stores.

Carrefour gas station

To obtain this 8% savings, you must be the holder of the El Club Carrefour card or pay with the Pass card.

In addition, those who register in the My Carrefour application get a 3 euro discount in stores or gas stations.

These are the average prices of Carrefour gas stations for today (all previous discounts will have to be made on the marked figures):

Fuel type Half price
Unleaded gasoline 95 1,789 euros/liter
Unleaded gasoline 98 1,979 euros/liter
Diesel A 1,989 euros/liter
Diesel A+ 2,029 euros/kilo

4. Erosky

The discount policy of Eroski gas stations is similar to that of Carrefour, that is, what is discounted on fuel is exchanged for purchases in stores.

This chain, which has a total of 39 service stations, advertises a 4% discount on each refueling that is entered into the balance of the driver holding the Eroski Club card.

On average, the liter of 95 unleaded gasoline at these gas stations is 1,719 euros/litre; 1,929 euros/liter for diesel.

5. E. Leclerc

E.Leclerc has a network of 17 hypermarkets in Álava, Burgos, Cáceres, Ciudad Real, León, Madrid, Murcia, Navarra, Salamanca and Soria. As it also has gas stations outside its supermarkets, there are more than stores: this chain has a total of 22 fuel supply points.

Its service stations also boast of being among the cheapest in the country.

e.leclerc gas stations

The periodic reports of the OCU usually place E-Leclerc as one of the cheapest gas station chains in the country.

According to data from the Government geoportal, today, E-Leclerc stations in Spain charge 1.79 euros per liter of 95 unleaded gasoline.

Refueling at the supermarket where you make the purchase allows you to kill two birds with one stone, in addition to the fact that many hypermarkets have lower prices than conventional gas stations. This way you take advantage of the trip twice.

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