Home Cars & Motorcycles Cars The most common failure suffered by motorcycle tires

The most common failure suffered by motorcycle tires


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Between May 11 and 14, Barcelona became the city of motorcycles. The reason: the Motoh Hall was held! where, in addition to publicizing the latest trends and launches in the two-wheel market, worrying data has been revealed, such as the most common failures in motorcycle tires.

During the days that the event lasted, representatives of the Association of Tire Manufacturers (AFANE) reviewed the motorcycles of the visitors, with the aim of finding out what aspects could be improved and, above all, giving them advice for correct maintenance.

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The inspection of the motorcycles of the visitors to the Barcelona show is part of the campaign “Motor, the tire comes first” with which the association tries to make users of this type of vehicle aware of the importance of keeping the covers in good condition .

“Proper tire maintenance contributes to considerably increasing safety”, said José Luis Rodríguez, general director of AFANE, in this regard. “The fact of not replacing worn or damaged tires, due to haste or laziness, can have Serious consequences in terms of security,” he adds.

The four common failures in motorcycle tires

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From the inspections carried out by AFANE in the Motoh! Several conclusions are drawn. One of the most interesting is the one that reveals the four most common failures in motorcycle tires:

  1. Tread depth. Driving on tires with excessively worn tread is the most common defect. In fact, this problem was detected in more than 4 out of 10 motorcycles reviewed. Remember that the law states that you cannot drive with tires that have a tread depth of less than 1.6 mm, although the recommendation is to change them when it is less than 3 mm.

  2. irregular wear. 24.8% of the motorcycles reviewed had irregular tire wear and in 2.2% the wear was very irregular

  3. Cracks. The presence of cracks in the covers is an alert indicating that they need to be replaced as soon as possible. AFANE has discovered that 1% of motorcycles ride with tires with many cracks, 10.8% have cracks with a depth of less than 0.1 mm and 88.2% are free of these.

  4. Visible damage. The association’s report reveals that there are few motorcycles that circulate with visible damage to the tires: 1,267 of the 1,395 motorcycles checked were in good condition and only 16 motorcycles had seriously damaged covers.

From AFANE they remember that “with the heat, the pressure and the volume change”. To prevent the rise in temperatures from reducing the properties of the covers, they recommend controlling these variations and adjusting the inflation of the tires.

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