Home Cars & Motorcycles Cars The technique to break the glass of the car in case of...

The technique to break the glass of the car in case of an accident


BMW X5 Security Plus – window

Few situations seem as distressing as having a road accident and the vehicle doors being blocked. The only option is to break the glass of the car but you have to know the proper technique to do it.

Okay, no need to get so dramatic. There are situations in which it is necessary to access the interior, it is not a matter of life or death. It can happen, for example, that due to an oversight the vehicle is locked with the keys inside, in which case the glass will have to be broken from the outside.

How to break the glass of a car

To break the glass of the car it is important to have the right tool. Mapfre’s mobility experts advise using “a hard object, preferably a sharp one”, such as a stone or a bar.

As far as the coup is concerned, the popular saying “better skill than force” is applied. Do it by following these tips:

  • Hit the window on one side, not in the center
  • Hits a small area. “The trick is not in the power but in the surface: if more pressure is applied to a specific point, it will be easier for the glass to crack,” they explain.

BMW X5 Security Plus - window

BMW X5 Security Plus – window

How NOT to break car glass

As important as knowing the technique to break the glass of a car is to be clear about what not to do.

Although the windows of a car are made of glass, they are not easy to break because they have a special treatment that makes them very resistant (much more so if the windows are tinted). This is what allows them to withstand many blows on a day-to-day basis without being affected. For this reason, discard the idea of ​​breaking it with a kick or a punch since you will be the only one that will break it.

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