Pay attention!
Easter is here and you will finally make that trip that you have been wanting for so many weeks, but do you have the car ready? What should you check in your car before leaving on a trip? With this video released by the DGT you will know exactly what you should check before you start. If you don’t, you run the risk of being “stranded” on the road. Or worse yet, have an accident. Do not forget!
Take your time. You can start with the steering, turning it repeatedly in search of strange noises, looseness or something that may catch your attention. Take advantage of the fact that you are at the wheel and turn the wheels to see the entire drawing, they must have uniform wear and, of course, be in optimal conditions. If they have reached the “snitch” of wear, you should change the tires before leaving.
You can continue through the lighting, checking that all the lights, including indicators, are in good condition. Ideally, they could keep an eye on the brake system, checking fluids and the condition of the pads. The suspension must also have a periodic review, since the stability of the vehicle depends on it. Don’t forget to keep an eye on the windshield wipers in case the rain surprises you…