Home Cars & Motorcycles Cars The Police teach you on Tik Tok how they can steal your...

The Police teach you on Tik Tok how they can steal your car when the turn signals come on


During the seconds that pass from when you get out of the car until you close it are the most dangerous

Reviewing the latest publications of the National Police on social networks, we have found a very interesting video in which they explain how they can try to steal your car when the turn signals come on. Best of all, preventing this from happening is as simple as paying attention and checking that it is properly closed.

The video advice is part of the publications of the National Police on its official TikTok account (don’t be surprised, the Civil Guard also has a channel on this social network) and with it they intend not only to warn of this technique used very frequently by the thieves to steal a car, but above all, teach drivers how to prevent it from happening.

How can your car be stolen when the turn signals come on?

One of the times when your vehicle is most vulnerable and accessible to strangers is when you get out and close it.

Think about how you normally act: you get out of the vehicle, take what you need, close the door and as you walk away you press the button on the remote control or the key so that the car stays locked. Do you do it like this? Mistake…


👉🏼 Inhibitors 👈🏼 Do you know what they are for, and why thieves use them? 👀 #learnentiktok #cars #inhibitor #security #advice #vehicle #check #police

♬ Summer day – TimTaj

As the National Police explains in the video, the thieves take advantage of the seconds that pass from when you get out of the car until you activate the lock to block it by using frequency inhibitors. The result of this technology is that it disables the remote locking operation, so even though you think the car has been locked, it is actually unlocked at the criminals’ expense.

The key to prevent this from happening is to pay attention and make sure that the car is properly closed. To do this, depending on the technology used by your vehicle, it will be enough to stay next to the door and try to open it. In case you have keyless access, when you press the button make sure that the turn signals come on, that is the sign that the vehicle is well protected.

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