The bank must return 6,000 euros to a defrauded client due to lack of means to combat fraud

The bank must return 6,000 euros to a defrauded client due to lack of means to combat fraud

The sentence is final. After having seen how his savings disappeared from his bank account because he ended up being the victim of a scam on his mobile phone, a Unicaja client will recover all of his money. The outcome of the trial is decisive, since many people find themselves in the same type of situation every day.

If you have ever received a suspicious-looking text message from your bank, you may have felt that your first instinct was to open it and read it. This type of message usually sets up a situation that will make you click on the link in the text message. That’s when the trouble starts. And while we can imagine that it’s a scam, there are many people who don’t think about it at the time or who are not informed about the many scams that circulate on the Internet. At least, it seems that justice can be trusted to protect the citizen.

The bank has fought, but the customer is right

Initially, the Unicaja client who had lost 6,000 euros took the bank to court. The ruling of the Court of First Instance number 3 of Mieres ruled in favour of the client. But the bank wanted to fight to try to get out of the situation unscathed. However, once the case was passed on to the Provincial Court of Oviedo, the conclusion was the same: the client was at fault and the bank must return all the money.

The bank argued that it was the client who had fallen for the scam and that, therefore, they had no responsibility for what happened. But the conclusion of both sentences emphasizes that the bank has the responsibility to return the money because it had allowed the cybercriminals to send the money out of its client’s account without properly checking whether or not there was an authorization.

A judge passes sentence and takes note of it

Not only that, but the ruling also accuses the bank of having been exposed to other similar situations and more money thefts that may or may not have happened due to the lack of a quality security system. This, which has possibly already been resolved, given that the incident occurred some time ago, does not fail to demonstrate the lack of preparation that some banks have shown regarding the latest methods used by criminals. This is something that, on the other hand, has not only affected Unicaja, but has been seen in different banking entities with similar situations.

At the same time, the verdict states that the client’s behaviour was logical considering the situation and what was happening. It is based on the idea that this could happen to anyone and that it would not be strange to be carried away by the clever preparation of the crime.

How did they steal the 6,000 euros?

It all started when the client received an SMS message on his mobile phone indicating that there had been unauthorized access to his bank account. And, in addition, a link was provided that he had to enter if he did not recognize the access. Of course, the client didn’t recognize it, so he decided to tap on the link and open it. Next, the cybercriminal sent him another SMS in which he asked for the security key, since it would be the only way to “link the device.” Unfortunately, the client entered his password and that automatically gave the cybercriminal access to his account.

A user exposed to the risk of suffering from a mobile scam

Instantly, the criminal took out the 6,000 euros he had in the bank account and the client was left with nothing. From there the confrontation in court began, which, at least, has had a happy ending for the client thanks to the recovery of all the money. However, although this story has ended well, it is advisable to never trust messages received on your mobile phone, especially via SMS. And, of course, there is no need to click on suspicious links or, in any context, enter access codes and passwords.

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