How to hide the taskbar in Windows 10/11

How to hide the taskbar in Windows 10/11

When we talk about hiding the taskbar, we are talking about completely removing the taskbar located in the lower-center corner of the computer (or in any other location if we have moved it). As the function indicates, what we are doing is hiding it, not removing it completely.

If we want to access the hidden taskbar, all we have to do is drag the mouse to the area where it is located and wait less than a second for it to show up again. When we move the mouse away from the taskbar, Windows will hide it again, freeing up the space it uses.

It is important to know where the taskbar is located since we must always move the mouse pointer to the area where it is displayed, not where it is originally located, which is at the bottom of the screen.

When is it advisable to hide it

Hiding the taskbar frees up space that open applications would otherwise take up, giving you more room to display the application interface. This is especially useful when dealing with small monitors, which is why it is extremely important on laptops. It is also extremely useful on computers that use OLED monitors, as it prevents the screen from showing signs of burn-in when displaying the same image for many hours at a time.

Hide the taskbar in Windows 10

The process to hide the taskbar in Windows 10 requires accessing the Windows configuration options, something we can do by clicking on the gear button in the start menu or using the Win + i keyboard shortcut. Next, click on the Personalization menu and within Personalization, click on Taskbar, the last option on the menu.

Next, in the right column, we need to check the Automatically hide the taskbar in desktop mode switch.

Hide Windows 10 taskbar

With this option activated, the Windows taskbar will always remain hidden whether we are showing the Windows desktop or any application.

Hide the taskbar in Windows 11

With the launch of Windows 11, Microsoft completely changed the design of the user interface as well as the Windows settings options. While it is true that the path to disable the taskbar is practically the same in Windows 10 and Windows 11, below we show you the steps to follow to hide the Windows 11 taskbar.

First of all, we must access the Windows 11 configuration options, through the Win + io keyboard shortcut by clicking on the gear wheel that is displayed when pressing the Start menu. Next, in the left column, click on Personalization and then on Taskbar.

Next, click on Taskbar Behavior to display a new options box where we must select Automatically hide the taskbar so that the taskbar disappears and is only shown when we move the mouse cursor.

Hide the Windows 11 taskbar

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