This Google cybersecurity course will allow you to earn up to 60,000 euros a year: here’s how to sign up


Technology lovers of all ages are constantly looking for their dream job related to this topic, although they do not always succeed. Everything related to security is becoming more and more important, something we are going to help you with if you want to train yourself properly.

For a few years now we have been living in what we could call the Internet era, with its advantages and disadvantages. That is why we spend a good part of our time, both professionally and personally, online. Precisely for all these reasons, cybersecurity has gained exponential importance in recent times, something we can take advantage of now.

There are many companies at the moment that are looking for professionals especially focused on this sector to protect their clients and users. This means that whether we are currently looking for work, or we want to change our current one, now is an excellent opportunity to do so. We are talking about a new course that we can follow thanks to the partnership between the SEPE and the giant Google, which we will tell you about below.

First of all, we must bear in mind that this is a training course focused on security in the world of technology, one of the most in-demand sectors right now. I’m sure many of you are interested in knowing that at this moment, a multitude of companies are offering salaries of up to 60,000 euros per year for professionals well trained in this field.

The estimated duration of the course proposed by the search giant is about 120 hours. This means that we can follow it for a period of between 3 and 6 months. At this point, the only thing we must keep in mind is that we cannot exceed 12 months under any circumstances.

How to sign up for the Google security course

Because it is an online training course, we can follow it at our own pace from the comfort of our home and in our free time. The time it takes will depend on our previous knowledge and how many hours we put in each day. All in all, 12 months is more than enough to complete it in most cases.

google security course

In addition, we must bear in mind that in order to be eligible for the scholarship offered by Google for this course, we must start it within a maximum of 7 days after signing up. Otherwise, the subscription could be passed on to another user who has requested it. It is also important to know that in order to access this training course, the company will give priority to those who are currently unemployed or in a situation of ERE or ERTE.

Once we know all this and to sign up for the cybersecurity course offered by Google and associated with the SEPE, in principle we have to access This websiteAt the bottom of the page we find the corresponding button called Sign Up, which we click on. From there we will have to enter the corresponding data to be able to follow the course if we are selected.

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