How much is the maximum they can raise my rent in 2025


The Housing Law that came into force in 2023 established a new methodology to calculate the increase in rental prices. This change arose due to the escalation that the CPI was experiencing at that time and which, if maintained, could cause significant tensions in domestic finances.

In 2022, the Government defined different measures that tried to deal with the effects of the armed conflicts that were being experienced at that time, and that continue today, and that were causing significant economic problems. The series of actions that were approved included the need to separate the rent rise with the CPI. Initially, the decision was temporary. However, it ended up becoming definitive shortly after, betting on a more stable rental market.

This situation caused the so-called Housing Law which, among its different novelties, contemplated the maximum increase that could be made in current rental contracts in 2024. In addition to the introduction of a new index that replaces the CPI and which aims to avoid disproportionate increases in rent.

When is your rent going to go up?

Now that we have reached the last quarter of the year, it is normal for many of us to wonder what is the maximum increase that we are going to have to face with our rent during the next 12 months. In 2024, the maximum increase contemplated by the law was 3%. Looking ahead to 2025, it is the National Statistics Institute that must define the new reference index. The deadline to present said index ends December 31 this year, so everything indicates that we will be able to meet him in the coming weeks.

At the time of writing these lines, the INE has not yet commented on the matter and we do not know what the different indicators are being considered to calculate the new increases. However, if we take into account that during 2024 the regulation indicated that the maximum increase allowed to rise 3% and Since this change occurs to alleviate the pockets of tenants residing in our country, everything would indicate that the index applied should be, in the worst case, similar to this amount.

A lower and more stable index than the CPI

As we have already stated, we still do not know how the changes that the Government plans in this regard will affect. However, as media such as Idealista point out, it is expected that the index taken as a reference will be more stable and lower than the CPI current.

The objective is not only to protect the rental marketr during the next 2025, but also protect citizens from experiencing situations such as those experienced in recent months as a consequence of the escalation of the CPI. While the Executive communicates the chosen indicator, all that remains is to be patient and wait for it to be a favorable measure that manages to alleviate the tensions that the rental market in our country usually experiences.

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